Find resources explaining Yarra's recycling service and other educational material in Arabic, Greek, Italian, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Somali, Turkish or Vietnamese.
Other languages
Arabic عربى
Bin poster in Arabic – (7,242 KB / PDF) الأشياء التي يمكنك إلقاؤها في حاوية القمامة
FOGO bin poster in Arabic – (4,111 KB / PDF) ما الذي يمكن وضعه في حاوية المخلفات الغذائية والحدائق؟Bin poster in Arabic – (7,242 KB / PDF) الأشياء التي يمكنك إلقاؤها في حاوية القمامة
FOGO bin poster in Arabic – (4,111 KB / PDF) ما الذي يمكن وضعه في حاوية المخلفات الغذائية والحدائق؟
Greek Ελληνικά
Bin poster in Greek - (4,123 KB / PDF) Ποια αντικείμενα απορρίπτονται στους κάδους σας
FOGO bin poster in Greek - (4,106 KB / PDF) Τι μπορεί να μπει στον κάδο οργανικών αποβλήτων τροφίμων και κήπου;
Bin poster in Greek - (4,123 KB / PDF) Ποια αντικείμενα απορρίπτονται στους κάδους σας
FOGO bin poster in Greek - (4,106 KB / PDF) Τι μπορεί να μπει στον κάδο οργανικών αποβλήτων τροφίμων και κήπου;
Italian Italiano
Bin poster in Italian - (4,125 KB / PDF) Quali sono gli oggetti che si possono gettare nei bidoni
FOGO bin poster in Italian - (4,082 KB / PDF) Cosa può andare nel bidone dei rifiuti alimentari e da giardino?Bin poster in Italian - (4,125 KB / PDF) Quali sono gli oggetti che si possono gettare nei bidoni
FOGO bin poster in Italian - (4,082 KB / PDF) Cosa può andare nel bidone dei rifiuti alimentari e da giardino?
Simplified Chinese 简体中文
Bin poster in Simplified Chinese - (4,234 KB / PDF) 您可以将哪些物品放入垃圾箱
FOGO bin poster in Simplified Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 什么可以放入食物和花园垃圾桶?
Bin poster in Simplified Chinese - (4,234 KB / PDF) 您可以将哪些物品放入垃圾箱
FOGO bin poster in Simplified Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 什么可以放入食物和花园垃圾桶?
Spanish Español
Bin poster in Spanish - (4,125 KB / PDF) Qué artículos puede meter en sus contenedores
FOGO bin poster in Spanish - (4,076 KB / PDF) ¿Qué se puede poner en el contenedor de residuos de alimentos y jardín?Bin poster in Spanish - (4,125 KB / PDF) Qué artículos puede meter en sus contenedores
FOGO bin poster in Spanish - (4,076 KB / PDF) ¿Qué se puede poner en el contenedor de residuos de alimentos y jardín?
Bin poster in Somali – Agabkee baad ku ridi kartaa baaldiyadaada qashinka (4,119 KB / PDF)
FOGO bin poster in Somali – Maxaa lagu ridi karaa qashinka cuntada iyo beerta? (4,089 KB / PDF)Bin poster in Somali – Agabkee baad ku ridi kartaa baaldiyadaada qashinka (4,119 KB / PDF)
FOGO bin poster in Somali – Maxaa lagu ridi karaa qashinka cuntada iyo beerta? (4,089 KB / PDF)
Traditional Chinese 繁體中文
Bin poster in Traditional Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 您可以將哪些物品放入垃圾箱
FOGO bin poster in Traditional Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 什麼可以放入食物和花園垃圾桶?Bin poster in Traditional Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 您可以將哪些物品放入垃圾箱
FOGO bin poster in Traditional Chinese - (4,249 KB / PDF) 什麼可以放入食物和花園垃圾桶?
Turkish Türkçe
Changes to service in Turkish - Yarra’da atık ve geri dönüşüm sistemindeki değişiklikler hakkında Türkçe bilgiler
FOGO bin poster in Turkish - (4,088 KB / PDF) Yiyecek ve bahçe organik atıkları kutusuna ne konulabilir?
Changes to service in Turkish - Yarra’da atık ve geri dönüşüm sistemindeki değişiklikler hakkında Türkçe bilgiler
FOGO bin poster in Turkish - (4,088 KB / PDF) Yiyecek ve bahçe organik atıkları kutusuna ne konulabilir?
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
Bin poster in Vietnamese - (4,160 KB / PDF) Những đồ vật nào có thể bỏ vào các thùng rác của quý vị
FOGO bin poster in Vietnamese - (4,089 KB / PDF) Những gì có thể cho vào thùng rác hữu cơ thực phẩm và vườn?Bin poster in Vietnamese - (4,160 KB / PDF) Những đồ vật nào có thể bỏ vào các thùng rác của quý vị
FOGO bin poster in Vietnamese - (4,089 KB / PDF) Những gì có thể cho vào thùng rác hữu cơ thực phẩm và vườn?
How to use your yellow-lid bin
How to use your purple-lid bin
Yarra and APR Plastics – Developing Victoria’s circular economy
More information
If you would like more information in a language other than English, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Turkish or Vietnamese, or for another language please contact us through an interpreter service.
How to use your yellow-lid bin
How to use your purple-lid bin
Yarra and APR Plastics – Developing Victoria’s circular economy
More information
If you would like more information in a language other than English, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Turkish or Vietnamese, or for another language please contact us through an interpreter service.