Council decisions are made at meetings of the Council or the Planning Decisions Committee. Meetings are conducted in accordance with our Governance Rules.
When are the council meetings?
We hold our Ordinary Council Meetings at 6.30 pm on Tuesday nights - once each month from February to December. In addition, we hold a number of Extraordinary Council meetings throughout the year.
View upcoming council meetings
Who can attend Council meetings?
Anyone is free to attend Ordinary Council meetings to contribute to the decision-making process and to witness proceedings.
How can I ask a question or address the Council?
Ordinary Council meetings provide an opportunity for you to address Council about an item that is listed on the agenda, or to ask a question during Question Time.
Instructions for how to register to participate in this aspect of the meeting can be found on the relevant meeting page.
View upcoming council meetings
If your question is operational in nature (a customer request), please contact us and our customer service team will assist you.
How do I know what Council will be considering at the meeting?
An agenda for each Council Meeting (which includes full reports, and a series of separate attachments) will be published in the upcoming council meetings page.
View upcoming council meetings
This usually happens on Wednesday before the meeting.
How do I find out what happened at the last meeting?
The minutes, which are an official record of the meeting, are uploaded to the past council meetings page.
View Past council meetings
These documents are usually available before the following meeting.
Council decisions are made at meetings of the Council or the Planning Decisions Committee. Meetings are conducted in accordance with our Governance Rules.
When are the council meetings?
We hold our Ordinary Council Meetings at 6.30 pm on Tuesday nights - once each month from February to December. In addition, we hold a number of Extraordinary Council meetings throughout the year.
View upcoming council meetings
Who can attend Council meetings?
Anyone is free to attend Ordinary Council meetings to contribute to the decision-making process and to witness proceedings.
How can I ask a question or address the Council?
Ordinary Council meetings provide an opportunity for you to address Council about an item that is listed on the agenda, or to ask a question during Question Time.
Instructions for how to register to participate in this aspect of the meeting can be found on the relevant meeting page.
View upcoming council meetings
If your question is operational in nature (a customer request), please contact us and our customer service team will assist you.
How do I know what Council will be considering at the meeting?
An agenda for each Council Meeting (which includes full reports, and a series of separate attachments) will be published in the upcoming council meetings page.
View upcoming council meetings
This usually happens on Wednesday before the meeting.
How do I find out what happened at the last meeting?
The minutes, which are an official record of the meeting, are uploaded to the past council meetings page.
View Past council meetings
These documents are usually available before the following meeting.