Council people

Yarra City Council is made up of 9 democratically elected Councillors, one of whom is elected each year to hold the office of Mayor.

Collectively, the Council is responsible for the governance of the organisation, including setting the strategic direction, developing council policies and allocating resources. 


The Mayor’s legal role is to preside over council meetings and ensure they are conducted in accordance with local laws, and established conventions and protocols, as well as to act as the principal spokesperson for the Council and supporting good working relations between Councillors.

The Mayor also serves as the Council's social, cultural, political and business ambassador by presiding over key civic functions, maintaining a presence within the municipality, and ensuring that the Council is appropriately represented at relevant and important occasions. 


As individuals, each Councillor is responsible for participating in the decision-making of the Council and representing the local community in that decision-making. Councillors engage closely with the community in the wards they represent, and bring local knowledge and views to the broader Council discussion.

Councillors contribute to the strategic direction of the Council through the development and review of key strategic documents of the Council, including the Council Plan. 

Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Council, and has sole responsibility for the day to day management of the Council's operations. The Chief Executive Officer leads an Executive Management Team and an organisation of over 1,300 staff who deliver programs and services across the community.

  • Councillors

    The previous Council concluded at 6.00am on 24 October. The Victorian Electoral Commission announced the results of the 2020 election on Friday 6 November.

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  • Executive

    Yarra City Council is headed by the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO leads an Executive Management team including 5 General Managers, and about 1,300 council officers.

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