
When do you invite tenders?

We invite tenders for all procurement valued at $300,000 and above (including GST) for goods, services or works.

The amount is based on the estimated total expenditure, including extension options, contingencies and GST.

This is in accordance with our 2021-2025 Procurement Policy (PDF 415 kB).

Where do you advertise tenders?

We advertise all public tenders in The Age newspaper each Saturday in the ‘Local government tender’ section.

If a strong focus on local supply is required, we may also advertise in one of the local news media that is distributed throughout the municipality.

Similarly, we may need to focus on national distribution. In these cases, we’ll collaborate with the relevant council officers to determine the best news media to provide the widest access to the relevant marketplace.

Where do I find current tenders?

You can find all of our advertised tenders on eProcure.

With eProcure, you can:

  • register to view current tenders
  • download tenders
  • submit tenders electronically
  • submit questions and receive responses

You can contact eProcure on 1800 377 628 if you experience any difficulties logging on or downloading any documents from this site.

Please direct all tender questions through the 'Question Forum' once you have logged in.

Procurement policy

Our Procurement Policy (PDF 415 kB) represents the governance, principles, process and procedures that we apply to the purchase of all goods, services and works.

Our procurement and investment practices are also guided by our Ethical Procurement and Investment Commitment and our No Business in Abuse Pledge