Advocacy, and representing the views and needs of the community, is a core function of all councils.
We are committed to advocating for projects and initiatives which are important to our community, and which will help us create a climate-safe, equitable and liveable Yarra.
To achieve this, we engage with other levels of government including the Federal Government and the Victorian Government. Council lobbies for funding, seeks policy changes, reforms and works with government departments and agencies to deliver joint projects.
What guides our advocacy?
Yarra’s first Advocacy Action Plan was adopted at our 14 November 2023 Council meeting and sets out our strategic priorities for Yarra.
Download and read our Advocacy Action Plan (PDF 186 kB).
Working with local government partners, peak bodies and organisations to deliver better outcomes
Council works closely with a range of local government partners, peak bodies and organisations to deliver joint advocacy and projects that support positive outcomes for our community.
Each of these partnerships provides an important opportunity for Yarra to advocate, influence or inform policy development, deliver innovation or work collaboratively towards outcomes which align to our priorities.
Peak bodies and organisations Yarra City Council is a member of:
- M9
- Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)
- Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA)
- LGPro
- Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (NAGA)
- Metropolitan Transport Forum
- Local Government Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum