Getting around Yarra sustainably

Getting around the area on bike, foot or public transport, can be a fun and fast way explore your neighbourhood, visit friends and travel to work.

Riding around on a foot path

Find great ways to travel  

Download our Travel Smart map (PDF 11MB) to find great ways to travel around Yarra.

If you would like a hard copy posted to you please contact us on 9205 5555. 

Ride a bike

More Yarra residents per capita ride bicycles to and from work than in any other metropolitan Melbourne area. Learn more about sharing our road and paths by downloading our handy information brochure (PDF 1.12MB). 

You can read more about riding in Yarra by reading our Transport Strategy 2022-2032 (PDF 2.51MB) or visit Bicycle Network to keep up with all the latest riding information.

Electric vehicles, E-bikes and E-scooters 

For more information visit our pages on:  

Car sharing

Sustainable methods of transport like public transport, cycling and walking are readily available in Yarra. However for the times when a car is necessary, car sharing is a cost effective alternative to owning a car.

Some Yarra residents only own cars for occasional or weekend use. These cars often sit idle much of the week taking up on-street car spaces that neighbours or visitors might otherwise use. Car sharing also reduces driving and car dependence. It promotes the sharing of scarce resources and makes non car-owning lifestyles more viable in Yarra.

Research shows that one car share vehicle can replace between 7-10 privately owned vehicles, which reduces congestion and demand for on street car parking. Convenient access to a car share service can also lead to people replacing 15-50% of their car trips with public transport, walking and cycling.

How car sharing works

Join a car sharing organisation and you will have access to cars on demand for rent - either by the hour or by the day.

What you need to know:

  • Members pay each time they use a shared car.
  • Cars are parked in special reserved parking spots (called 'pods') around Yarra.
  • Cars can be booked by phone or internet.
  • Cars can be booked for trips as short as one hour.
  • Petrol, insurance, registration, maintenance and cleaning are included in the hire charge.

How to join

Flexicar, GoGet and GreenShareCar vehicles are available in Yarra. Work out which company will work best for you.

Check the car pods they offer in your area, as well as comparing prices and service.

Car Next Door

Car Next Door is a neighbour-to-neighbour car sharing initiative. It connects car owners who do not use their vehicle all the time with people who do not own a car, but may need one occasionally. This service uses residents’ own vehicles and provides an alternative to traditional car sharing providers.

Our Car Share Policy

View the Yarra Car Share Policy (adopted 16 July 2019) (PDF 975kB).

Public transport

There are many public transport options in Yarra, visit Public Transport Victoria or download the local area public transport map (PDF 1.8MB) to plan your journey today.

We encourage walking

Walking is a great way to explore Yarra. Visit Victoria Walks to discover walking routes near you.

School crossing service

We manage dedicated school crossing supervisors who brave all sorts of weather to assist pedestrians of all ages, but mainly school age children, to cross the road safely. If you have an enquiry or wish to report an issue please call 9205 5555 or complete a customer request form.

School Crossing Supervisors

The operational school crossings in Yarra are staffed by permanent part-time and relief school crossing supervisors. These school crossing supervisors are located at both pedestrian light crossings and at flagged children's crossings. 

Operating times

School crossing supervisors work for one hour in the morning, generally between 8am to 9am, and one hour in the afternoons, generally between 3pm and 4pm. They are located in and around schools within the City of Yarra. 

Safety education 

School Crossing Supervisors are committed to the promotion and practice of road safety at school crossings. The school crossing supervisors help to educate pedestrians on safe crossing practices. 

Become a School Crossing Supervisor

Check our careers page to see if an exciting opportunity exists within the School Crossings Unit for motivated relief school crossing supervisor.