Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Advisory Committee provides advice to Council on heritage matters including Yarra's natural, built and cultural heritage.

What does the Committee do?

The Heritage Advisory Committee provides advice and recommendations to Council on:

  • the monitoring and implementation of the Yarra Heritage Strategy
  • the ongoing review of Yarra's heritage policies, plans and strategies;
  • any further work required to document and protect Yarra's natural, built and cultural heritage;
  • issues affecting heritage across the municipality;
  • policy and strategic objectives concerning City of Yarra's responsibilities for the World Heritage Environs Area within Yarra's boundary;
  • the effective promotion of Yarra's heritage including raising public awareness of heritage matters and services; and
  • nominations of state, national and world heritage significance.

Who are the members of this committee?

The following Councillors have been appointed to the committee for 2024:

In addition to the appointed Councillors, the membership includes 11 community or local heritage and community group representatives from across the City of Yarra and one representative of the National Trust.

Terms of reference

You can view and download the Heritage Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF 147kB).


Minutes of meetings of the Heritage Advisory Committee are available for download below.

Further minutes are uploaded to this page as they become available.