The Victorian Government is proposing to redevelop the former Fitzroy Gasworks site, located at 433 Smith Street.
It is proposed that the 3.9 hectare site, which is bordered by Smith Street, Alexandra Parade, George Street and Queens Parade, will include new housing, a senior high school, a sports centre and open space.
The redevelopment of the site is being managed by Development Victoria on behalf of the State Government.
Project overview
About the development
The final design has not been confirmed, however Development Victoria has identified the following community priorities for inclusion in the project:
- 20 percent of residential housing to be affordable / social housing
- a new 650-student senior high school
- a new six-court indoor sports facility and gym
- underground car parking
- at least eight percent of the site dedicated to public open space.
In June 2018, the Minister for Planning rezoned the site as Mixed Use and Public Use Zone 2 (Education) by introducing Amendment C243 to the Yarra Planning Scheme.
The rezoning allowed Development Victoria to commence planning for a new school, sports facility and residential development on the site.
Remediation works
The site is contaminated due to its industrial history and is subject to an Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Up Order.
In March 2018, the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C242 to the Yarra Planning Scheme, which allows the remediation of the site to take place in accordance with the Incorporated Plan without requiring further planning approvals.
Extensive remediation works will happen over two phases. This will occur before building starts and is expected to take two years.
Phase 1 will involve additional site testing to confirm the level of contamination. Following this testing, a Remediation Action Plan will be finalised.
During Phase 2, up to 12 metres of soil will be excavated and transported to an EPA approved facility. The soil will be treated to remove contamination and will be disposed of following environmental regulations.
During the remediation works, an odour control enclosure will be used to contain dust and vapours to the site.
More information
As the project progresses, there will be further opportunities for the community to provide feedback.
For more information about the project, visit the Development Victoria website.
To view the Concept Master Plan and latest news, visit the Development Victoria Engagement Hub.
Further information on the high school is available at the Victorian School Building Authority website.