Traffic management in Victoria (Richmond)

LAPM 16 Victoria (Richmond)

The Local Area Place Making (LAPM) 16 Victoria precinct (Richmond) is located in the area bounded by Victoria Street, the Yarra River, Bridge Road, and Burnley Street.

View the Local Area Place Making 16 precinct in a larger map

Previous Study
Local Area Place Making Plan (LAPM)

The LAPM plan shows a map of different traffic treatments which will be implemented throughout the area. Details of the LAPM plan and study can be viewed at the following document: 

LAPM 16 Traffic Management Plan 




An evaluation of the stage 1 traffic treatments were undertaken in October 2015, one year after the stage 1 traffic management measures were implemented, in order to determine their effectiveness.

The daily traffic volumes of five of the eight streets analysed within the precinct have decreased with the other three streets remaining fairly constant.

There have been significant decreases in traffic volume in Appleton Street(65%) and North Street (39%). It is considered that the left in/left out treatments installed at their intersections with Burnley Street as part of the Stage 1 works would have contributed to this reduction in traffic volume.

Heavy vehicle volumes have significantly decreased on Appleton Street (81%), North Street (47%) and White Place (27%), with other streets in the study area increasing slightly.

Along with the reduction in vehicle volumes, Stage 1 works have also lead to decreased speeds throughout the study area with an 8% decrease along both Murphy and Palmer Streets.

It is considered that the success of the LAPM study will be further enhanced through the completion of the Stage 2 works.

Next Study
Find out where the next LAPM will be 
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