Separated waste service charges

Council has resolved to separate waste service charges from general rates to account for the increasing costs of waste and recycling services, in line with all other Victorian Councils.

Yarra’s waste service charge will be made up of two elements: a public waste rate and a kerbside waste rate. The kerbside waste rate will only be applied to properties that receive a kerbside waste collection service from Yarra Council.

If you have any questions or concerns about how the waste service charge has been applied to your property, please reach out to our customer service team.


Why are we separating waste service charges now?

The cost of providing waste services is increasing at a rate greater than what councils can recover through rates alone.

The rate cap, introduced by the Victorian Government, has capped the amount that councils can charge property owners in rates.

The cost of the Victorian Government waste levy (a levy paid to the Victorian Government by every council based on the amount of waste sent to landfill) has increased significantly in recent years.

The Victorian Government has also introduced laws to reduce waste, make the most of material and increase recycling. This includes a requirement for all councils to provide households with a four-stream waste service (glass, recycling, food and green organics and rubbish).

How will the new separated waste service charges work?

On your annual rates notice prior to the separation of waste service charges, you were charged a single ‘general rate’ based on your property value. A component of this ‘general rate’ paid for waste services.

With separated waste service charges, the cost of providing waste services would be removed from general rates and listed as separate line items on your annual rates notice.

While the rate cap would not apply to the waste service charge, the money collected through the waste service charge can only be used to cover the costs of providing waste and recycling services in Yarra.

When waste services charges are separated from general rates, your rates notice will show the following charges:

  • General rates
  • Public waste service rate
  • Kerbside waste service rate

How are the separated waste service charges calculated?

The waste service charge will be made up of two elements: a public waste rate and a kerbside waste rate. ‘Rate’ in this instance means that the cost will be scaled based on property value; this is the same way we calculate general rates.

The public waste rate includes services such as street sweeping, park and street bin collection and processing, litter removal, among others.

The kerbside waste rate includes services such as household bin collections and transport and processing, hard and green waste collection and processing, among others.

The kerbside waste rate would only be applied to properties that receive a kerbside waste service from Yarra City Council. Ratepayers who do not receive a kerbside service from Council would be exempt from this charge.

What support is available for pensioners and those experiencing hardship?

We will continue to support pensioners with a Council rates rebate, in addition to the pensioner rebate provided by the Victorian Government.

As always, we are happy to work with ratepayers to support those who are experiencing financial hardship. If you feel that you are unable to pay, you can request financial hardship support.

Our financial hardship policy aims to provide ratepayers and service users with a clear and transparent understanding of the options and assistance available if you are currently experiencing financial hardship.

How might this affect me?

Find out how the separate waste charges might affect people in a circumstance similar to your own using this link.

Frequently Asked Questions