Building Protection Works Notice

What is a Protection Works Notice?

A Protection Works Notice requires property owners to notify neighbouring properties about any construction work that could potentially cause damage to their properties.

The Notice is typically served to adjoining property owners and includes information on the nature of the proposed works, the estimated duration of the works, and any measures that will be taken to protect neighbouring properties from damage.

The Notice is intended to ensure that neighbouring property owners are aware of any potential risks and are able to take steps to protect their properties from damage during the construction process.

For further clarification, read the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) Practice Note PW-02: Protection Work Process.

When do I need to serve a Protection Works Notice/s?

The building surveyor will determine if protection work is required pursuant to Regulation 113 of the Building Regulations.

Protection work provides protection to adjoining property from damage.

Protection work may include:

  • Underpinning of footings, including vertical support, lateral support, protection against variation in earth pressures, ground anchors, and other means of support for the adjoining property.
  • Shoring up and overhead protection.
  • Other work designed to maintain the stability of adjoining property from damage from building work.

How do I lodge a Protection Works Notice when the adjoining property is council land?

To lodge a Protection Works Notice for a site adjoining council land or that may affect council properties, apply online:

Apply for Protection Works Notice