Planning decisions committee

Tuesday 18 January 2022

NOTICE - This meeting is being held online.

The Planning Decisions Committee is a delegated committee of Council with full authority to make decisions in relation to planning matters. The committee is made up of three Councillors who are rostered on a quarterly basis.

Planning Decisions Committee meetings are decision-making forums and only Councillors have a formal role. However, Council is committed to ensuring that any person whose rights will be directly affected by a decision of Council is entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered before the decision is made. If you are the applicant or an objector, you can participate in the meeting by making a submission at the meeting.

Making a submission

Registrations to make a submission at this meeting have now closed.

Observing the meeting

If you would like to attend the meeting just to observe, you do not need to register.

Click this link from 6.30pm to join the meeting.

Meeting agenda

The meeting agenda is available below.


Date and time:
Tuesday 18 January 2022
