Business permits, licences and registrations
How many business permits you need will depend on the type of business you're running.
Understand the permits you'll need
Our permits, licences and registrations for businesses
Register a food premises
Learn how to register your food premises or lodge a notification with us.
Food and health registration renewals
How to register, renew your registration, pay and update your details.
Mobile food truck permits
How to apply for a permit to operate a food truck in Yarra.
Filming permits
Council land and property can be used for a range of creative purposes but will require a filming permit.
Parklet program and applications
Information for hospitality businesses to offer outdoor dining in on-street parking bays.
Business parking permits
Businesses operating from a commercial property in Yarra with no off-street parking may be eligible for a business parking permit.
Personal care and body art premise registration
Register your personal care or body art business in Yarra
Busking in Yarra
Busking and street entertainment are welcome in Yarra! To busk here, you’ll need to apply for a permit, which is issued on a monthly basis.
Tradesperson parking permits
Find out about eligibility and how to apply for a tradesperson parking permit.
Register an accommodation business
Find out how to register your accommodation business, including fees and permit requirements.
Real estate permits
Real estate agents operating in Yarra must obtain a license to display real estate signs on Council land.
Apply for a car share bay
We aim to increase car sharing and ensure a transparent expansion of our car share network.
Temporary public space licences
How to apply for a temporary public space licence for activities on our footpaths, roads, parks and reserves.
Footpath trading
You need a footpath trading permit (also called a public space licence) to place items on the footpath outside your business.
Personal trainer permits
How to apply for a licence if you operate commercial personal training or fitness activities on public land.
Complying with tobacco legislation
Retailers have a responsibility to prevent people under 18 years of age from purchasing tobacco or e-cigarette products.