You can pay your rates outright or set up instalments. We have a number of different payment methods to suit your needs.
We send out rate notices in August each year. You can pay the total amount due or pay your rates in instalments.
You can apply to pay in 10 instalments on the 15th of the month (or next business day) starting in September 2024. You can only pay via direct debit for this option.
You can apply to pay in four instalments, via direct debit, on or before these dates*:
- 1st instalment: 30 September 2024
- 2nd instalment: 30 November 2024
- 3rd instalment: 28 February 2025
- 4th instalment: 31 May 2025
*if the due date falls on a weekend or a public holiday, you can pay the next day working day without penalty.
It must be paid by 30 Sept and you can pay your rates outright using on of our other payment methods.
How to set up direct debit
To set up direct debit payments, submit a completed direct debit request form [ PDF, 54.08 KB] by:
- uploading it online
- mailing it to Yarra City Council, PO Box 168 Richmond VIC 3121
- handing it to us at a customer service centre.
If you'd like us to send you this form in the post, please call 9205 5555.
The direct debit option is only available after we approve your application.
Continue direct debit from last year
If you were paying in direct debit instalments last year and want this to continue, you do not need to fill out a form. We will continue to debit your account until you advise us otherwise in writing.
Editing a direct debit
If you want to change your details or direct debit options, you must submit a new form. Please follow the process described above.
Other payment methods
If you're paying outright or in four instalments, you can pay by:
- Yarra ePay (or call 1300 792 772)
- mail to Yarra City Council, PO BOX 168 Richmond VIC 3121)
BPay (contact your bank, credit union or building society and quote biller code 171074 and the Bpay reference number on your rates notice).
To pay in ten instalments you must use direct debit.
Paying in person
You can also pay in person at a customer service centre or an Australia Post outlet.
We accept payments by:
- cash
- Visa and MasterCard*
- cheque (made payable to Yarra City Council)
*A 0.5% surcharge applies to Visa and MasterCard credit card payments.
To pay in ten instalments you must use direct debit.