Find out how to prepare, upload and pay for your planning application. You can also speak directly to our planners as part of our pre-application advice service.
Before you start
- Talk to your neighbours about any concerns. You might be able to make small changes to your design before you apply - which will save you time and hassle later.
- Check VicSmart to see if you can get a fast permit for small, straightforward projects.
- Check if any planning controls apply, such as restrictions on building heights and setbacks. Look up details in the Yarra planning scheme or check for existing use rights.
- Check if your property is part of a heritage-protected area.
- Check federal telecom rules for new buildings.
- Ask a professional planner or architect for help if you are unsure what to do.
- Apply for pre-application advice for our planners to get first feedback on your plans.
With VicSmart you could get your planning permit within 10 working days. But this fast track is only available for small, straightforward projects, such as building a fence or installing a roller door.
If you get a VicSmart permit, you can start your project immediately. There will be no public notice period and no need to consult with external experts.
However, we will still check if your application meets our planning rules. We might ask you further questions, but once we have all the information together, we are required to assess your case within 10 working days.
How to apply
Go to the VicSmart website. It also has checklists for many permit types.
For questions
Book a meeting with one of our planners.
When you apply for a regular planning permit, we must give you an answer within 60 days . If your project is complex, misses information or raises many concerns from neighbours, we might need more than 60 days. It is important that you include all relevant information from the start.
You need to send us:
- a copy of your certificate of title from Landata that is no more than three months old
- a full copy of any restrictive covenants or section 173 agreements
- a plan of survey from a licensed land surveyor
- a cover letter to explain your project and the documents you send us. Be specific. For example, if you wish to open a business, include details such as operating hours and number of staff.
- any other reports to help us understand your project. For example:
- sustainability management plan
- traffic management plan
- traffic impact assessment
- acoustic report
- copy of your paid metropolitan planning levy, if applicable
You also need to send us digital site and elevation plans, drawn to scale and prepared by a suitably qualified architect or draftsperson.
The site plans need to show:
- any existing and new buildings
- finished floor levels
- site levels
- setbacks from all boundaries
- wall and overall building heights - taken from the natural ground level at the building line, as well as the boundary line
- car parking and accessway design
- proposed earthworks and areas of cut and fill
- details on retaining walls and fences
Telecommunications for new developments
If you are a developer or owner-builder, there are important Commonwealth telecommunications rules you need to comply with.
We may ask you for referrals or further information.
How to apply
Submit your application on the Yarra eServices portal.
For questions
Book a pre-application meeting with one of our planners.
You can speak with our planners before you apply for your permit.
We can point out potential issues, discuss ways to improve your plans – and help you avoid costly delays later.
We can also help you understand which documents you need when you apply for a permit.
We might call or book a meeting for larger projects, including:
- new buildings
- home extensions
- two or more buildings
- mixed-use or multi-floor buildings
- change of use
- liquor licences
We might call or email you with advice for smaller projects, including:
- minor renovations
- minor building works, such as front fences and ground-floor extensions
- shop signs
It's important that you share with us as much information as possible. We may not be able to help you on time if we find that information is missing or questions remain unanswered.
For building extension permits
Please bring:
- a basic site plan showing
- what's on your site (conditions and buildings)
- what's on the sites next to yours (including building locations, windows and open spaces)
- a concept design plan showing
- what you want to build (including building footprint, windows, doors, decks)
- elevations (including windows and doors)
- photos of the site and surrounding area
For liquor licences or 'change of use' permits
Tell us about:
- the current and future use
- the hours of operation
- the expected number of staff and guests
- on-site parking
- the use and buildings on sites next to yours (including the nearest residential home)