You need consent to conduct utility works for a road authority, utility company, or public transport operator.
You need consent to conduct utility works for a road authority, utility company, or public transport operator (or their contractors), unless exempt under the Road Management (Works & Infrastructure) Regulations 2015.
Please follow these steps to submit an application:
You will receive acknowledgement of your lodgement and an UCN application number. Please keep this number handy, as this will be needed for any future correspondence.
Notification of works exempt under the Road Management Act 2004
Notification of emergency works exempt under the Road Management Act 2004
Notification of works (Telecommunications Act 1997)
Land Access and Activity Notices
7.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
9.00am to 3.00pm Saturday
No works permitted on Sunday
Out of hours permits are also available. Visit our out of hours permits page for more information.
Please note, fees will not apply.
Telecommunication companies (and their agents) are exempt from consent under the Telecommunications Act 1997 for the installation of low impact facilities. However, impacted owners or occupiers must be informed in writing.
Major works occur over a number of weeks or have significant impact on the surrounding area.
If you are planning to undertake major works in Yarra you need to:
call the permits and consents team on 9205 5555 to arrange a pre-submission meeting
The works manager must book an inspection and pre-works meeting with us 10 days prior to starting works.
As part of the consent conditions, you may also need to submit a traffic management plan, notification letters or apply for additional permits.
The works manager is responsible for arranging permanent reinstatement of the area impacted by works in accordance with all conditions set out in the consent.
Within seven days of completing the work, the works manager must:
notify us
book an inspection with the reinstatement officer.
The Road Management (Works & Infrastructure) Regulations 2015 allows a Utility or Provider of Public Transport (or their agent) to provide written notification of completion of works to the Coordinating Road Authority by the 14th day of the following month where the works involve excavation of any part of the roadway, pathway or shoulder and the works were exempt from consent.
It is an offence under the Road Management Act 2004 not to notify council of works completed.
Reinstatement of road infrastructure is subject to a defects liability period of 12 months commencing from the date of inspection. If there are any issues with reinstatement during this period, you may be asked to rectify it.
The infrastructure or works manager is exempt from obtaining consent when responding to emergency works on roads such as a burst water main, gas leak or fallen power lines.
Emergency works should make the site safe for all road users and be fully reinstated where possible.