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Advocating of behalf of our community

Find out more about how we advocate for the benefit of our community and learn about shared advocacy projects.

Advocacy, representing the views and needs of the community, is a core function for all councils.

We advocate for projects and initiatives that are important to our community, and will help create a climate-safe, equitable and liveable city.

Advocacy can include lobbying for funding, seeking policy changes or reforms and working with government departments and agencies to deliver joint projects.

Our Advocacy Action Plan [ PDF, 3.04 MB] sets out our key positions across several policy areas, including:

  1. Climate
  2. Landfill
  3. Transport
  4. Arts and culture
  5. Land use and planning
  6. Public, social and affordable housing
  7. Public Health and well-being
  8. Early years, education and young people
  9. Financial sustainability

Yarra City Council works closely with a range of government partners (federal and state), peak bodies and organisations to deliver joint advocacy and projects that support positive outcomes for our community, including: