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Public transparency

Yarra City Council adheres to the principles of the Local Government Act and is committed to transparency in decision making being publicly available.

We are committed to transparency in our decision making processes and for Yarra City Council information to be made generally available and accessible to members of the public.

The Yarra City Council Public Transparency Policy [ PDF, 148.67 KB] specifies what information must be publicly available and describes the ways in which it can be accessed.

This is aligned with the principles set out in the Local Government Act 2020 :

  • Council decision making processes must be transparent except when dealing with confidential information
  • Council information must be publicly available unless the information is confidential or public availability of the information would be contrary to the public interest
  • Council information must be understandable and accessible to members of the municipal community
  • Public awareness of the availability of Council information must be facilitated

This page is still in development, so not all information is available. Any information shown on this page can be accessed by contacting Yarra City Council at 9205 5555