Yarra has a rich heritage, a heritage overlay is a planning control that helps to protect land with heritage significance.
Heritage overlay refers to a planning control that is applied to land with heritage significance.
Its purpose is to:
- conserve and enhance places of natural or cultural significance
- conserve and enhance elements which contribute to the significance of heritage places
- ensure development does not adversely affect the significance of heritage place
- conserve specifically identified places by allowing a use that would otherwise be prohibited if this will demonstrably assist with the conservation of the significance of the place
Check if your property is included in the heritage overlay by creating a free property report.
This report will also inform you of the planning controls affecting your property.
A planning permit is normally required to undertake works in a heritage overlay.
Under the heritage overlay a planning permit is required to:
- subdivide or consolidate land
- demolish or remove a building (including part of a building)
- construct a building (including part of a building, or a fence)
- externally alter a building
- construct or carry out works
- construct or display a sign
- externally paint an unpainted surface.
Yes, if the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay identifies that internal alternation controls apply. Most properties do not have this control but a small number do.
Yes, some minor works are exempt. You can find details in the planning permit exemptions incorporated plan [ PDF, 659.92 KB] .
Some exemptions can also found in the Heritage Overlay.
The schedule to the heritage overlay will identify whether additional controls apply. In some instances additional controls might apply for external painting, internal alterations or trees.
Each heritage building or precinct in a heritage overlay is graded according to its heritage contribution. The higher the grading, the less changes can be made.
To find out the heritage grading of a specific property, refer to Council's Database of Heritage Significant Areas [ PDF, 7.54 MB] .
Individually significant
This is the highest grading and means the place is an individually important place.
It may have an individual heritage overlay number or be part of a precinct. An individually significant property that is part of a precinct is considered both individually significant and contributory to the precinct.
This means the building contributes to the significance of the heritage precinct that it is located in.
It is not individually significant but when combined with other individually significant and/or contributory heritage places, they contribute to the significance of the precinct.
Not contributory
This is the lowest grading.
Buildings with this grading were not typically constructed in the primary or secondary development periods of the area, or are a poor expression of that era.
They are included within a heritage overlay because any development of them may impact on the heritage significance of the precinct or individually significant or contributory places in the precinct.
Other gradings
This means there was insufficient data to allow an assessment from the public domain, and more detailed analysis of this building is required.
This means the property is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database and Heritage Victoria decides on applications for development.
Although Yarra City Council do not decide on applications for registered buildings, they are included in the heritage overlay and all have a grading of individually significant.
- The Yarra Planning Scheme address issues relating to demolition, design, height, setback, car parking, and landscaping for existing buildings and places, and advice on new development suitable to heritage areas.
- The City of Yarra Planning Scheme also includes a local heritage policy which provides guidance for how you should undertake work.
- Find out which properties are included in each precinct in the Database of Heritage Significant Areas [ PDF, 8 MB]
- The Victorian Heritage Council has guidelines to help with your heritage project.