The Quarterly Community Report showcases the work Council is doing and shows how we’re tracking against our Council Plan.
Yarra City Council is pleased to present its first Quarterly Community Report which will be released each financial quarter.
The report showcases the work Council is doing and shows how we’re tracking against our Council Plan.
Below are some highlights from the Quarterly Community Report – Quarter One 2023/24. You can also read the full report online.
Council Plan 2021-25
Of the 57 actions planned for delivery this financial year, 51 of these are in progress (as of 30 September 2023).
For the month of September 2023, 84% of our actions are on-track, which is well-above our performance target of 75%.
Some of the current work in progress includes:
- Development of the new Climate Emergency Plan
- The progression of the Zero carbon development planning scheme amendment
- Promoting access and inclusion for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities
- Advancing Yarra’s Homelessness Strategy.
Financial Sustainability Strategy
Our recently-adopted strategy – and first of its kind in Victoria – has been developed to improve our financial health and establish a solid long-term financial position. Faced with challenges like rising costs and service demand, this strategy examines our Long-Term Financial Plan, proposing practical actions for financial improvement.
These actions, called strategic levers, aim to guide us towards a better financial future over the next decade, with updates on progress planned for the end of the year.
Capital works
Our 2023/2024 Capital Works Program features an investment of $34.01 million, consisting of a new budget allocation of $26.76m and carryover projects with a budget of $7.25m from the previous financial year.
The community can follow the progress of our many projects across the city via a new map of Council’s current Capital Works infrastructure projects for 2023/24 which is available on our website.
Community Engagement
This year we have created even more opportunities for our community to speak directly with our Councillors about the issues that matter to them.
Council held a series of in-person events throughout the year across the City of Yarra, including Meet the Mayor sessions, Councillor Conversations events, Ward Listening Posts and Community Tuesdays.
Highlights from the last quarter include:
- An event with community health organisations, local GPs, the local Public Health Unit, and the local Primary Health Network to discuss the issues currently impacting primary health care and what actions are being taken and what is needed for future advocacy.
- Yarra Conversations: ‘Zeroing in on homelessness’ which included Launch Housing, cohealth and the St Mary’s House of Welcome, as well as hearing from a guest speaker with a lived experience of homelessness.
In addition, in the last quarter, Council undertook 14 community engagements about current projects.