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Sustainable events

A sustainable event is one that aims to reduce its impact on the environment.

A sustainable event is one that aims to reduce its impact on the environment.

Creating an environmentally sustainable event will minimise its footprint and can:

  • reduce costs
  • promote social responsibility
  • reflect well on the event and its organisers.

When you plan a sustainable event, you need to consider its:

  • location
  • food services
  • energy consumption
  • transportation
  • waste generation and disposal.

Here are some tips to get you started.


  • Choose caterers or food providers who focus on sustainability. Examples include using in-season produce and fairly sourced local food.
  • Work with food providers to reduce single-use packaging and packaging in general. Single-use plastics are banned in Victoria.
  • Provide incentives for using recycled and recyclable packaging.


  • Don't sell or giving out bottled water.
  • Encourage participants to bring reusable water bottles.
  • Provide water stations and clear directions on how to find them.


Think about:

  • how to avoid waste
  • what materials can be reused
  • what waste streams will be produced
  • whether waste streams can be recycled
  • how to reduce the amount of single-use products
  • how to reduce the amount of waste generated
  • how to maximise the waste that is recycled.

Proudly Plastic Free is our whole-of-community plan to reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging. For more information, visit our Proudly Plastic Free page.


  • Provide general waste and mixed recycling bins and place them next to each other.
  • Encourage food providers and stallholders to recycle.
  • Arrange compost bins from your collection service.
  • Label and colour-code the bins/waste streams to clearly differentiate them.
  • Provide images of the types of items appropriate for each bin.


  • Provide public transport information to the event patrons.
  • Encourage attendees to walk or cycle to your event.
  • Provide suggested travel times and routes.
  • Provide clear maps showing public transport options.


  • Get the right equipment for the number of people and the size of the space.
  • Turn all electrical equipment off when not in use.
  • Calculate the carbon footprint and offset your event.
  • Consider new and emerging technologies such as solar generators.