Step 1 - infringement notice
The infringement notice attached to the vehicle will give you 21 days to pay. Your options on the infringement notice will include:
- requesting an appeal
- requesting a payment plan or extension
- having the matter heard at the Magistrates Court.
Step 2 - penalty reminder notice
We'll send you penalty reminder notice after 21 days, which will include an extra cost. Your options on the penalty reminder notice will include:
- paying the total amount by the new due date
- requesting an appeal (if you haven't already)
- asking for a payment extension (if you haven't already)
- nominating another driver
- having the matter heard at the Magistrates Court.
Step 3 - demand letter (reminder urgent notice)
This is not a legal requirement. We issue this notice and provide an extra 10 days as a reminder that the infringement is still outstanding. Your options on the demand letter will include:
- paying the total amount by the new due date
- requesting an appeal (if you haven't already)
- nominating another driver
- having the matter heard at the Magistrates Court.
Step 4 - Fines Victoria
If you do not pay by the demand letter due date, we will refer the matter to Fines Victoria. This will incur additional costs (collection and enforcement warrant fees).
Once the infringement is at this stage, all communication should be with Fines Victoria.