Learn about the programs which support our multicultural community.
We are committed to creating a community where diversity is celebrated, and people feel safe and respected.
We're a diverse community, with 29% of our residents born overseas. Our multiculturalism adds to Yarra's unique character and makes our city a vibrant place to live, work and visit.
This is reflected in our Multicultural Partnerships Plan [ PDF, 1.01 MB] which aims to make Yarra a place where all people feel welcome regardless of their race, culture, religion or language.
In line with our Multicultural Partnerships Plan, we run the following programs to support our multicultural community.
Our services and programs
The Multicultural Advisory Group's role is to build relationships and communication with multicultural communities in Yarra.
It provides structure for ongoing communication and consultation between multicultural communities and Council across a range of issues impacting on those communities.
For more information, visit our Multicultural Advisory Group page.
We have an interpreter phone service if you need to speak with us in a language other than English.
You can call us from the following phone numbers to connect with an interpreter in your language:
Phone number
03 9280 1930
03 9280 1932
03 9280 1934
03 9280 1931
03 9280 1936
03 9280 1937
03 9280 1935
03 9280 1938
03 9280 1939
Other languages
03 9280 1940
You can also download a Victorian Interpreter Card from the Victorian Government's website. You can use these cards in person at our customer service centres to request an interpreter.
We've employed a team of casual Bicultural Liaison Officers (BLOs) that support Council and local organisations to engage with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) residents and communities more effectively.
The BLOs represent 11 culturally and 14 linguistically diverse backgrounds and most are Yarra residents.
BLOs can provide advice on:
effective engagement strategies for a CALD community
development and accessibility of communication materials, including plain English vs. translations and written vs. audio-visual formats.
BLOs can also support CALD residents and communities to participate in a community engagement project or consultation.
Download our BLO flyer [ PDF, 114.51 KB] to find out more about the program, including fees and how to book a BLO.
The We Stand Together project aims to empower people experiencing racial and religious abuse or attacks in the community.
The project has produced a wallet-sized card for residents that provides them with information if they are a target of racial or religious abuse. The card, which is available in 6 languages, provides a guide to making a report to police or an anonymous tip via Crimestoppers.
The card also provides advice on what to do if you're a bystander to racial or religious abuse.
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has developed a community reporting tool to make it easier to make a short and confidential report directly to the Commission.
We encourage you to speak out and make a report through this tool if you or someone you know is confronted with racism or discrimination of any kind.
We support key Victorian and Australian multicultural programs.
We participate annually in Refugee Week, which highlights the contributions refugees have made to this country and raises raising awareness of these issues.
We're proud to be a part of an alliance of businesses, sporting bodies, councils and non-government organisations across Australia who support the “Racism. It Stops With Me” campaign.
We've been recognised as a Refugee Welcome Zone since 2002 and made a commitment to:
welcome refugees into the community
uphold the human rights of refugees
show compassion
enhance cultural and religious diversity in the community.
We help facilitate the Yarra Multicultural Services Network (YMSN), a network of agencies in Yarra who provide services for refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived migrants.