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Find casual and occasional care

View childcare services offering casual care and occasional care in Fitzroy, Collingwood, North Carlton and Richmond. Look up fees and enrolment information.

Our children’s centres offer flexible care options – perfect for families who only need a few hours of child care every now and then.

Centres meet the National Quality Standards for Education and Care services and are guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and the Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework.

We cannot guarantee that your child will get a casual or occasional care place. Our Priority of Access Policy ensures that we offer places to children and families with the greatest need.

To access Casual or Occasional Care you must be enrolled with Yarra's Children's Service, please email our team for further information.

Casual care

We offer casual care sessions at:

  • Connie Benn Early Learning Centre in Fitzroy
  • Gold Street Children’s Centre in Collingwood
  • Keele Street Children’s Centre in Collingwood
  • North Carlton Children’s Centre in North Carlton.
  • Yarraberg Children’s Centre in Richmond

5 hour casual sessions run from 8.30am to 1.30pm

Full day sessions are available during the centres opening hours.

Occasional care

  • Only at Connie Benn Early Learning Centre
  • for children aged six weeks to six years
  • Available Tuesday to Friday

Find child care

This table outlines our centres and their care options.

CentreLocationCasual careOccasional care
Connie Benn Early Learning Centre160 Brunswick Street
Fitzroy 3065
  • 5 hours (8.30am – 1.30pm)
  • full day (up to 10.5 hours)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

  • 8.30am – 12.30pm or 
    1 – 5pm


  • 1 – 5pm

Please note:

  • you can book up to three occasional sessions a week
  • bookings open two weeks in advance
  • you must enrol your child before you can book occasional care sessions.
Gold Street Children's Centre64 Gold Street
Collingwood 3066
  • 5 hours (8.30am – 1.30pm)
  • full day (up to 10.5 hours)
Keele St Children's Centre177 Keele Street
Collingwood 3066
  • 5 hours (8.30am – 1.30pm)
  • full day (up to 10.5 hours)
North Carlton Children's Centre481 Canning Street
North Carlton 3054
  • 5 hours (8.30am – 1.30pm)
  • full day (up to 10.5 hours)
Yarraberg Children's Centre4 River Street
Richmond 3121
  • 5 hours (8.30am – 1.30pm)
  • full day (up to 10.5 hours)

Extended care (North Carlton only)

Term time kindergarten extended care4pm to 6.15pm
Kindergarten holiday program7.45am to 6.15pm
How to enrol
  1. Email [email protected] and ask us to start your enrolment.
  2. We will send you an enrolment link from our childcare management app Xplor.
  3. Enter the link into your internet browser window.
  4. Fill out our enrolment form.

You will need to upload:

  • your child’s current immunisation statement (from your myGov account)
  • your current concession card (Health Care Card), if you have one
  • any medical management plans
  • any court orders or parenting plans.


Fees for casual and occasional care depend on the hours you book for each session.

Full-day fees vary across our centres.

For a full list of fees, visit our Fees, subsidies and payments page.

Child care subsidy

You may be eligible for the child care subsidy, which aims to help you with the cost of child care. Visit the Services Australia website to find out more.

Occasional care is only offered at the Connie Benn Early Learning Centre in Fitzroy.

You must enrol your child to be eligible for occasional care.


Under Victoria's No Jab, No Play law, only fully immunised children can enrol in child care, long day care, kindergarten, family day care, casual care or occasional care.

You must provide us with a current Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register. This must show that your child is up to date with all vaccinations for their age or that they can receive.

You can print a copy of the Immunisation History Statement from your myGov account.

We offer regular immunisation sessions. Visit our immunisation page to learn more.