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Supporting or objecting to a planning permit application

Objecting to or supporting a planning application? Find out what you can do when a planning application impacts you.

Anyone can lodge a submission to object or support a planning application.

Support: If you support an application, you do not need to take any action. You can make a submission of support if you want to, but this is not required.

Object: If you have a reasonable concern about an application and wish to object, you must lodge an objection. Your objection must be in writing and be submitted before the closing date.

All submissions are considered as part of the application assessment. Submissions can be lodged any time up to the time a decision is made, however it is recommended you lodge your submission during the 14 day advertising period.

A submission is a public document. If requested, copies of all submissions will be provided to other parties, including the applicant, Councillors and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Frequently asked questions

Surrounding residents are informed of planning applications in one or more of these ways:

  • mail
  • on-site signage
  • local newspaper advertisement

Please include:

  • your name and address
  • email address
  • phone number
  • planning application reference number and address
  • the reason for your submission (whether you support or object) and how you would be affected
  • your preferred method of contact (email or post)

You will be sent a confirmation letter or email within five business days confirming receipt of your submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment, please email

After you receive an acknowledgment from you may not hear from us straight away. This means that a decision on the application has not been made.

We must consider all objections when assessing an application.

When a decision has been made we will contact you. You do not need to contact Council.

You may be invited to a community consultation meeting with the applicant or you may be invited to a Planning Decisions Committee (PDC) meeting.

Community consultation meetings are usually held if a number of objections have been lodged. They provide an opportunity for those involved (applicant and objector) to openly discuss issues and negotiate.

When a decision is made you will be sent a copy. If we decide to grant the permit, a ‘Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit’ will be issued.

Yes. If you no longer have concerns about an application, you can withdraw your objection. You need to confirm your decision to withdraw your objection in writing.

If you withdraw your objection, you will not be informed of the decision and you lose your right to apply to the VCAT for a review.

You have 28 days from being notified of a decision to lodge an application for review at the VCAT. If no objectors lodge a review with VCAT during this time, we will grant the planning permit.

See Planning permit application decisions and appeals for more information.