Most planning permits expire two years from the date of issue, unless otherwise specified on the permit.
If you'd like to extend your permit you must request this within six months of the commencement date or within 12 months of the completion date.
There are three steps to follow:
Step 1: Prepare
- Confirm if the application is to extend the start date or the completion date
- Explain why the work has not started, or if it won't be completed in time
- If activity has started you need to include photos and other documents to show the work to date
- Include all relevant information such as any previous extensions to the permit, costs incurred to proceed with the permit or any change to the surrounding area that impacts the proposal
Step 2: Submit your request
- Search for your application on the Planning Applications Portal
- Submit your application and supporting documentation by clicking on 'Extension of Time Request' (found in the 'Available Actions for Planning Permit Applicant' section)
If online submissions aren't available for your application, please email [email protected] for an application form.
Step 3: Payment
- You'll need to pay any applicable fees when you lodge your request. You can check the fees here.