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Road or footpath opening

Learn more about submitting an application for a permit to excavate into the road, footpath or Council land.

You need permission if you want to excavate into the road, footpath or Council land.

This includes connecting new services such as:

  • water
  • underground power
  • stormwater
  • replacement Council assets
  • ground water monitoring wells.

You may need a Deed of Indemnity depending on the impact of the well/s and your level of public liability insurance. We will prepare the Deed if you need one.

To apply for your permit, follow these steps:

  1. Read the permit user guide [ PDF, 1.09 MB]
  2. Complete the road opening application form [ PDF, 287.89 KB]
  3. Submit your application online

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation with an application number. Please keep your application number handy, as this will be needed for any future correspondence.

How long will your application take?

Initial assessment of your application can take up to seven working days.

An application to install ground water monitoring wells can take up to four to six weeks.

We cannot issue a permit until all required documentation has been supplied.

Key things to know:

  • If your works involve closing roads, you must provide seven days written notice to surrounding residents (within 100 metres).
  • You need to provide a map for the proposed letter delivery area and a copy of the letter as part of your submission.
  • Permits will not be activated if the letter has not been approved.
  • Please use our Road Closure Notification Template [ DOC, 388.5 KB] as a guide for your letter

Monday to Friday: 7.00am to 6.00pm

Saturday: 9.00am to 3.00pm

Sunday: no works permitted

Out of hours permits are available. For more information, visit our out of hours permits page.

Additional approvals could include:

Stormwater drainage

We must approve storm water drainage for building and development sites as well the relevant building surveyor.

You must apply for Report and Consent (Regulation 133 legal point of discharge) prior to obtaining the permit.

Apply online

Electricity supply underground

We must approve underground electrical supply, water or sewage mains on any other underground service.

Detailed construction or civil plans must be submitted to one of our engineers who will respond in writing and supply a 'consent' or 'works approval letter' (pursuant to section 63 of the Road Management Act 2004) which will be subject to terms and conditions.

To locate the presence of existing services, contact Dial Before You Dig.

Please submit a copy of the response with your application.

You can view our map of parking sensor locations [ PDF, 245.31 KB] .

Please note the green indicates the streets where sensors are installed.

If works are within parking bays where sensors are located, the sensors must be removed prior to works. Download our application form to remove sensors [ PDF, 40 KB] .

Please email your application to

Costs will vary depending on the works, but as a guide:

  • Permit fee: $91.70
  • Per inspection: $172.54 (minimum of three inspections required)
  • Ground Water Monitoring Wells – preparation of Deed of Indemnity fees start at $1,095 + GST

You can request an update of your permit application through our online form.

A permits officer will respond to your request.

Find details of Yarra Standard Drawings.

For more information, please call 9205 5555 or email