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Yarra champions climate action at Australian Local Government Association Nation

Yarra has joined with other councils across Australia to achieve outcomes that will benefit Yarra and the entire Australian community.

23 Jul 2024

Yarra is an active member of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), the national peak body for local government.

The ALGA advocates to the Australian Government on a raft of issues affecting Australian councils, such as sustainable funding, the need for more affordable housing, support for local roads and council assets, and the need for action when it comes to the climate adaption and resilience and disaster recovery.

In the first week of July 2024, Mayor Edward Crossland put forward 2 successful motions to the ALGA National General Assembly advocating for strong national action on climate emergency and the circular economy. They call on the Australian Government to:

  • support the development of material product standards across the supply chain to improve Australia’s circular economy; and
  • act on its pledge under the Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP) to consult, collaborate and provide the investment for local governments to maximise climate action and increase adaptation and resilience.

The Mayor was also pleased to join with other councils to support national advocacy aimed at:

  • accelerating investment in disaster risk mitigation and resilience and preparedness to reduce the cost of disaster recovery;
  • increasing funding and maintaining investment in public, social and affordable housing;
  • increasing support and rights for asylum seekers and refugees; and
  • advancing reconciliation with First Peoples.

Council is committed to working collaboratively to achieve outcomes that benefit all. For a list of local government partners, peak bodies and organisations that we collaborate with regularly, click here.