More information avalable about when do you Events in Public Spaces permit?
You need an Event in Public Spaces (EIPS) Permit for events in Council-owned or managed parks, open spaces and roadways. All events covered in our Events in Public Spaces Policy need a permit.
This includes events which have:
- 50 attendees or more
- ticketing for attendees
- amplified sound
- external catering
- a wedding ceremony
- a specific reserved location
- vehicle access to drop off equipment.
- large structures (3x3 marquees are allowed without a permit but must be weighted down and secured safely. Spikes and pegs are prohibited).
The types of events that require an EIPS Permit include:
- festivals
- markets
- health, fitness and sports (but not seasonal sports booked on sports grounds)
- arts and cultural events
- weddings and celebrations
- street parties
- balloon landings
- promotions
- filming.
Fees and charges associated with the EIPS Permit include:
- a one-off application fee
- a one-off EIPS Permit fee (dependent on the size and risk profile of the event).
- fees for other approvals required from Council (dependent on the activities the event involves).
- Discounted fees may apply for registered not-for-profit organisations
You can apply for an EIPS Permit at any time.
The application will take between two weeks and six months to process, depending on the nature of the event.
We encourage you to contact us to discuss your event. We may be able to give you suggestions to strengthen your application.
When you're ready to apply, follow these four easy steps.
- 1
Log in or register with our booking system
- 2
Submit your application
- 3
Application assessed
- 4
Permit issued
If you're a registered user and have booked a venue before, you can log on make a new booking.
If you're a first-time user, please register and then make your booking.
Once you have registered, you can make a booking by selecting the:
- booking category
- type
- date
- number of attendees.
After you choose your venue, we will ask some application questions and give a quote based on your answers.
Please answer these questions with as much detail as possible.
You will then submit your application to be assessed.
Please note this does not confirm your booking.
The Events team will assess your application.
Depending on the size, nature and complexity of your event, you will either be offered a permit or, assuming we have enough information, offered in-principle approval to hold your event.
In some cases, we need more information and will delay in-principle approval until you provide this.
In most cases, we will need more detailed information to satisfy all the permit requirements.
External permits and approvals need to be sighted, as will documentation such as public liability insurance.
Once you provide the necessary information and documentation, we will offer you an Events in Public Spaces Permit. This is conditional upon the payment of the invoice.
You can log in and view, edit or cancel your booking at any time.
A booking officer may cancel your booking at any time if we don't receive the required forms and payment by set deadlines.
When an event involves a road closure or Major Amplified Sound Permit, your EIPS Permit application must include approval from at least 80% of local residents and businesses within a 100-metre radius.
You must also distribute a courtesy letter of notification at least 7 days before the event. This also applies to events with amplified sound.
The Events team will provide a template Letter of Notification which specifies:
- the date and time of the event (this must include set-up and pack-down times)
- how the surrounding area may be impacted, e.g. sound levels, road closures, traffic changes
- who to contact for more information before and on the day of the event.
You may install temporary signage boards at specific locations in Yarra to promote events run by local not-for-profit organisations. For more information, visit our Advertising signs in parks and gardens page or call our Venues team on 9205 5577.
There is a different process for Major Events - please visit the Major Events page to find out more.
Depending on the nature and scale of the event, other approvals, permits and licenses may be required.
We can help identify if other approvals are needed but it's up to the applicant to arrange any additional permits for the event.
You may find our Event FAQs and Wedding FAQs pages useful when planning your event.
If you have any questions, please call 9205 5205 or email [email protected]