Rainbow Yarra was created following the inception of the LGBTIQA+ Strategy 2021-2024 (PDF 16MB) and Yarra’s Rainbow Advisory Committee. Yarra is proudly home to the wonderfully diverse LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual and Agender) communities. Yarra aims to advocate for inclusivity and equality across our rainbow communities.
Our strategy is about:
- welcoming and celebrating diversity
- an inclusive Yarra
- supporting, participating, and connecting.
Since implementing the LGBTIQA+ strategy in 2021, Yarra now flies the full spectrum of Pride Flags across our town halls on particular days of significance. We’re proudly the first local government to lead the way on this.
In 2022, Yarra launched ‘Rainbow Yarra’ a brand identity that we use for external partnerships and events within our community. The visual components represent a person embracing the diverse rainbow, which has a full spectrum of colours, including added shades of brown to acknowledge the multicultural intersections that exist within Yarra too.
Yarra is now proudly home to the Queerways Mural and walking podcast tour, recognizing all of the important and historical LGBTIQA+ representation in Yarra.
Read about the launch of our 'Queer is...' campaign.
Rainbow Advisory Committee
The Rainbow Advisory Committee provides information, support and advice, and a mechanism for communication and consultation between LGBTIQA+ communities and Council on issues affecting the LGBTIQA+ community.
Trans Awareness
Trans Awareness Week (13-19 November) is a week of celebrating transgender pride. It's a week-long opportunity for trans allies to engage in education and learn how to elevate the voices of our community. It's important to back up your activity with conversation, and meaningful actions. Within the week we mark Trans Day of Visibility and Trans Day of Remembrance. Representatives from Yarra’s trans and gender diverse communities speak about their experiences.
Bisexuality visibility
Bisexual Visibility Day (23 September) is a day to celebrate anyone who is multi-gender attracted and raise awareness of the challenges and prejudices faced by the bisexual, pansexual and biromantic community. Bisexual people make up the largest portion of the LGBTIQA+ community, but often don’t feel safe to come out due to prejudice from their peers. Representatives from Yarra’s multi-gender attracted communities speak about their experiences.
The Unsaid Says A Lot
The campaign aims to shed light on the discrimination faced by trans and gender diverse Victorians, and celebrate the vibrant diversity of our LGBTQIA+ communities. Together we can help to shift perception of trans and gender diverse communities in mainstream society, inspire greater acceptance and reduce discrimination. To do this, we need help from allies like you to help spread the word by liking and sharing the campaign materials. Learn more at vic.gov.au/theunsaid
Community groups
- LGBTI+ elders | Yarra City Council
- Melbourne Spikers Volleyball Club
- Queer Sporting Alliance
- ClimbingQTs
- Bent Kranks
- LGBTIQ+ Dance Club, Collingwood - All The Queens Men
- Melbourne Dragons Martial Arts
- Melbourne Frontrunners
- Glamour Heads
- Melbourne Rovers Soccer Club
- Melbourne Wranglers Wrestling Club