Yarra Development Contributions Plan (DCP)

We introduced the Development Contributions Plan (DCP) levy on 1 February 2021.

The DCP levy will help to fund the essential infrastructure needed to meet the demand of population growth as a result of new development.

When does the DCP apply?

The DCP levy applies for developments that are proposing to: 

  • Increase the number of dwellings on a site, and/or 
  • Increase the retail, commercial or industrial floor area on a site

Mixed-use developments must pay the associated DCP levy for each component of the development.

The levy depends on which charge area the development is within. See a map of the charge areas (543KB, PDF).  

There are two parts to the DCP levy

1. The Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL)

This levy applies to all residential, retail, commercial and industrial developments and helps to fund projects such as:

  • Roads
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Drainage
  • Footpaths
  • Public realm improvements

2. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

This levy only applies to residential development and contributes to funding projects including:

  • Child care centres
  • Maternal and child health centres
  • Recreation and sporting facilities
  • Libraries
  • Neighbourhood houses
  • Public toilets
  • Shared community facilities

DCP Levy Rates for the 2023/24 Financial Year


Development contribution rates are adjusted annually on or about 1 August each year to reflect the annual rise or fall in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

How will I know the levy amount that I have to pay?

Planning permits for applicable developments will be issued with a condition specifying that the levy must be paid.

We will send an invoice confirming the levy amount (including breakdown into DIL and CIL parts as applicable) to planning permit applicants when development plans are endorsed.

The DCP levies will be indexed on 1 August annually. DCP invoices that are outstanding at 1 August each year will be cancelled and re-issued based on the new levy rates to reflect the annual rate adjustments.  

How do I pay the levy?

You can pay the levy:

Pay the levy online

Further information

See Yarra Amendment C238 Development Contributions Plan for more information on the Yarra DCP.

You can also email us at [email protected] or contact Yarra Council’s DCP Officer on 03 9205 5555.

Frequently asked questions