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Desexing your pet

Find information about getting your pet microchipped and desexed. 

Getting your pet microchipped and desexed is part of being a responsible pet owner.

We recommend that you desex cats and dogs if you're not keeping them for breeding.

Desexing your cat or dog also makes you eligible for reduced registration fees.

Benefits of desexing your pet

A desexed pet will:

  • generally live a longer and healthier life
  • be easier to control
  • be less likely to wander, fight, get lost or become injured
  • have a lower risk of cancer, tumours, hernias or reproductive diseases
  • become more affectionate

Desexing your pet reduces:

  • pet overpopulation
  • territorial behaviour
  • the cost of caring for or housing unwanted pets
  • euthanasia of healthy puppies and kittens due to over-population
  • your registration fees by almost two thirds.

For more information about desexing cats and dogs visit the Agriculture Victoria website.

Compulsory desexing for cats

Desexing of cats has been mandatory since 2010. We will not register or renew a cat's registration if it's not desexed.

We will make exceptions if you use your cat for breeding purposes, or we receive veterinary advice.

To apply for an exemption, you must supply one of the following:

  • Proof that you are a registered breeder.
  • A letter from your vet with the reasons your pet cannot be desexed.

Please call 9205 5555 to discuss this further.