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Homelessness and rough sleeping

Where to get help for homelessness, Homelessness can stem from job or housing challenges, substance abuse, health issues, or family violence.

The line between having a home or not can change quickly, and the ways in and out of homelessness are not straightforward.

Causes of homelessness include:

  • difficulty finding work or housing
  • alcohol and substance abuse
  • health issues
  • family violence.

Some people experience homelessness for years, and need a range of supports to get housing. Every person's story is unique.

Where to get help for homelessness

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, call the Victorian Statewide Homelessness Line on 1800 825 955 (free call, open 24/7). They will connect you with an access point in your area.

If you're experiencing family violence, call Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 (free call, open 24/7). You can speak confidentially and get information on support services, legal rights and accommodation.

If you have been threatened or you are fearful for yourself, a child or a family member - call 000.

To find nearby services such as meals, clothes, showers and accommodation, visit Ask Izzy.

Our homelessness strategy

Our approach recognises the Victoria's Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. These aim to treat people with respect and dignity and balance our duty of care to the community.

To ensure that we remain welcoming for everyone and address the impacts of homelessness, we created the Yarra Homelessness Strategy [ PDF, 7.02 MB] .

The strategy will guide us to:

  • deliver a coordinated and compassionate response to homeless people and rough sleepers
  • focus on early intervention for vulnerable or at-risk people
  • support an increase of affordable housing and appropriate support services.

Rough sleeping

Sleeping rough is when people sleep on streets and in parks or cars, or squat in vacant properties. Although the most visible form of homelessness, the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that it only makes up 7% of homeless people in Australia.

How to respond to rough sleeping 

If you find someone sleeping rough in Yarra, follow the steps in our guide for responding to rough sleeping and squatting in Yarra [ PDF, 225.34 KB] .

You can report a rough sleeping site by:

What happens next?

We work with Launch Housing to help rough sleepers and assess the safety of sites. After you report a rough sleeping site, Launch Housing will visit it and:

  • make sure there are no dangers or health issues for rough sleepers or residents 
  • work with rough sleepers on housing and other needs
  • advise us on the status of people they speak to.

When to call the police

People experiencing homelessness may have a history of trauma. This can lead to behaviour that may seem antisocial and can be confronting.

Please call Victoria Police on 000 if you see someone who:

  • seems distressed
  • appears to be a danger to themselves or to others
  • has a child under 18 with them
  • is experiencing a medical emergency
  • is damaging property or the environment.

More information

For more information about homelessness, visit the Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) website.

The CHP also has peer education and support program, whose members have experience of homelessness.