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Maternal and child health

At Yarra our maternal and child health nurses (MCH) offer free check ins for parents and children from birth to school age. View centre locations and contact number.

Our Maternal and Child Health nurses offer free developmental and growth assessments for children from birth to school age. We provide timely information, education and support for family wellbeing.

We are a well-baby service. If you or your child is unwell, please call the MCH booking line on 9205 5599 to reschedule your appointment.

Maternal and child health nurses are registered nurses and midwives with additional maternal, child and community health qualifications.

What we do for families

The maternal and child health (MCH) service is a free health service for all Victorian families with children, from birth up until school age.

We offer:

The service is confidential and recognises the great diversity of families in Yarra.

We have interpreters who can help you talk to us in a language other than English.

Accessing the service

The MCH Nurse will contact you when you are discharged from hospital. You will receive information about our services and your nearest MCH centre. The nurse will also make the first appointment with you. The first appointment is always a home visit.

The service includes an initial home visit and 9 consultations at key stages for your child.

If you need additional support, please contact our MCH bookings line. Our enhanced maternal and child health service is available for families that need more intensive support.

We will offer you this specialised program if you are experiencing significant early parenting/carer difficulties.

Book an appointment

To book or reschedule an appointment, please call our MCH bookings line on 9205 5599 (Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm) or email [email protected]

If you have just moved to Yarra and want to make an appointment, please call the MCH booking line.

Find a maternal and child health centre

Gahan Reserve
Park Street
Abbotsford VIC 3067

Yarralea Children's Centre
54 Yarralea Street
Alphington VIC 3078

Gold Street Children's Centre
64 Gold Street
Collingwood VIC 3066

Connie Benn Centre
160 Brunswick Street
Fitzroy VIC 3065

Bargoonga Nganjin, Fitzroy North Library
182 St Georges Road
Fitzroy North VIC 3068

Princes Hill Primary School
Wilson Street
Carlton North VIC 3054

North Richmond Community Health Centre
23 Lennox Street
Richmond VIC 3121

Studio One Community Hub
15 Barnet Way (enter via Bendigo Street)
Richmond VIC 3121

Give feedback or make a complaint

We’re committed to ensuring that complaints about our maternal and child health service are dealt with promptly, fairly and confidentially.

For feedback about our MCH service please email [email protected]

More information

Maternal and child health line

For after-hours maternal and child health support, please call the helpline on 13 22 29.

In an emergency, please call 000 and request an ambulance.

Better Health Channel

For more MCH information for parents with babies and young children, visit the Better Health Channel: Maternal and Child Health Services website.