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Recreation and community activities

Maintaining friendships and participating in community life and activities is important for your health and wellbeing.

Visit our older adults Leisure page for information on our Move for Life program.

Social groups for 50+

Yarra and various community groups host activities every day of the week.

Download our list of seniors clubs and their activities [ DOCX, 24.15 KB] .

Willowview Centre social support group

Willowview Centre is a Commonwealth Home Support Programs (CHSP) funded social support group. It offers social and recreational programs and activities for older adults 65+ in Yarra.

The centre is located at 6 Eddy Court Abbotsford next to the Collingwood Town Hall.

Our professional staff plan our programs and activities, in consultation with participants. These aim to strengthen your physical health and mobility and increase mental stimulation, while giving you a chance to socialise and meet people.

Activities include:

  • board games, bingo, quizzes, word games
  • craft creation
  • exercise sessions
  • chair yoga
  • cooking programs
  • gardening activities
  • regular planned outings
  • intergenerational programs with local children's services
  • knowledge and information workshops with guest speakers.

The program includes morning tea, lunch meals, and afternoon tea. Our groups are multicultural, LGBTQIA+ diverse, with Greek-speaking and Italian-speaking groups.

Groups start at 10 am and finish at 2:30 pm. The Wednesday group finishes at 1 PM.

We use Council's Community Transport program to provide transport support with bus pick-ups and drop-offs.

To join our program, register through My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

For more information or to discuss referrals, Willowview on 9205 5276.

Senior's Hubs

Residents of Yarra aged 50 years and over are welcome at our Senior's Hubs to meet new friends, participate in activities of interest and learn new skills.

Transport to and from the hubs is available, please contact Yarra Aged Services on 9205 5285

Exercise class

Our exercise classes are on Tuesday 11 am to 12 pm. They focus on exercising and moving the body through a range of stretching, resistance and muscle activation techniques. Our instructor takes the group through a number of exercises accompanied to music to get you moving and help improve strength and mobility.

Community lunches

Community lunches are available at the Djerring Centre where residents can enjoy an affordable meal and good company.

For more information contact the Food Services Team on 9205 5451.

50+ social and recreational groups

A range of social and recreational groups in Yarra cater for the needs of residents aged fifty and over. These groups offer a variety of activities, ranging from arts and craft to gentle exercise.

Yarra Men's Shed

Yarra Men's Shed welcomes both men and women of any age and from all cultural backgrounds, to meet and work on projects at their own pace. Members have the opportunity to become involved in 2 or 3 community projects a term and have access to a woodwork shed.

Woodwork, gardening and participating in community projects are just some of the activities enjoyed by people who attend Yarra Men's Shed.

Yarra Men's Shed is located in Hoddle Street, next door to Collingwood Neighbourhood House and operates from Monday to Thursday from 9.30am to 1pm.

To join or find out more call 9417 4856.

The Yarra Men's Shed is supported financially by Yarra City Council, the Office of Housing, Collingwood and Collingwood Neighbourhood House.