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Jarrah Property

Development and Project Manager: 

Sinclair Brook


Walter and Walter

Sustainability Consultant:

 LID Consulting

Development summary

A residential development in Fitzroy consisting of 18 apartments and 2 townhouses, the development showcases a range of sustainability initiatives in addition to a zero carbon standard from the operation of the building.

Carbon neutral features

The following environmental benefits are incorporated into the design, with percentage improvements compared to typical development:

  • Zero carbon emissions from building operation
  • 69% BESS score (Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard)
  • 32% reduction in mains potable water consumption
  • 79% reduction in electricity consumption
  • A rooftop 14.5 kW solar PV array
  • Average 7 Star NatHERS thermal energy rating
  • A commitment to purchase grid-supplied accredited Green Power to meet the building’s remaining electricity needs
  • A fossil fuel free development through all-electric services
  • Efficient heat pump hot water and induction cooking
  • Energy efficient lighting, heating/cooling and hot water systems
  • Regenerative drive lift and prominent staircase to access all floors
  • Cross ventilation to all dwellings
  • Good access to daylight to all dwellings and most habitable rooms
  • Double glazing and façade design to minimise heating and cooling and excellent acoustic performance
  • Lockable window openings for secure overnight ventilation and heat purging
  • Low VOC paints, adhesives and engineered timber products
  • 30 bicycle spaces ensuring secure bicycle parking for residents
  • Dedicated electric vehicle parking spaces and charging infrastructure to all bays
  • Close to public transport, walking and cycling routes
  • Landscaping to terraces and balconies includes planter boxes and vegetation to improve urban heat and biodiversity
  • Light coloured roof with high solar reflectance to reduce heat gain
  • On-site water use to meet CSIRO Best Practice Stormwater Management (Water Sensitive Urban Design) stormwater treatment quality requirements
  • Rainwater tank of size 10,000L connected to all toilets on the ground floor through to the third floor
  • Potable (drinking) water saving measures including water efficient showers, toilets and taps
  • Use of light-coloured roof materials to reduce the heat absorption an urban heat impacts
  • Recycled materials in insulation products and carpet underlay to reduce embodied emissions and raw material usage
  • No use of unsustainable rainforest timber products used including Oregon, western red cedar, meranti, merbau, teak or luan
  • Concrete mixes incorporate recycled materials to reduction material use and carbon emissions
  • 80% of the waste generated during construction and demolition to be diverted from landfill for reuse and recycling
  • Best practice waste management including organic, glass and recycling waste streams