An all-electric, carbon neutral building with a focus on wellbeing.
Aperture (Part of Figurehead Group)
Project team
- Carr
- Urbis
- Arup
- O’Neil Group
- Eckersley Garden Architecture
- Traffix Group
- Ratio Consultants
- MEL Consultants
Development summary
Occupying a 615 square metre site, the proposed 11 storey development comprises offices in the upper levels along with ground floor retail spaces, courtyard and bike facilities, a rooftop garden terrace and basement carparks.
The development features an all-electric design and energy efficient approach, including rooftop solar panels and a commitment to procure 100% renewable energy. There is also a commitment to achieve Climate Active carbon neutral certification for the base building operation by offsetting remaining emissions from refrigerants for a minimum of 10 years.
The development has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainable design principles, targeting an ‘excellence’ rating (at least 70% score) using the Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) tool. This includes exceeding the four mandatory category scores for water, energy, stormwater and indoor environment quality.
The project is targeting a 5.5 star NABERS Energy rating in operation and is committed to implementing a best practice metering strategy and commissioning process.
This development has planning approval and is currently under construction with completion due early 2024 (as at early 2023).
Several strategies will be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the building including:
- High performance façades with double glazing and operable external shading to reduce energy use for heating and cooling
- Double skin northern façade, allowing for maximisation of daylight to the floorplates and at the same time providing passive methods of heat gain and loss, shading and natural ventilation
- High-efficiency air-cooled Variable Refrigerant Flows (VRF) system for cooling and heating with heat recovery Energy efficient lighting and smart controls, where the lighting system will consume significantly less energy than standard practice through the use of motion and daylight sensors, timers and LED lighting
- A 30 kilowatt solar photo-voltaic array on the building’s roof, providing renewable energy to the base building and reducing the development’s electricity demand
- All-electric building design and a commitment to procure renewable energy, with remaining emissions from refrigerants to be offset to achieve certified carbon neutral operations
- A focus on thermal design including high performing glazing and framing; and high insulation levels in walls, ceiling and floors
- Metal grate walkway allows for airflow up through the façade, and doubles as a shading device
- All major common areas to be separately sub-metered, plus air pollutant and occupancy monitoring to manage energy consumption and maintain indoor air quality.
- Approximately 15% of the site area is proposed to be covered in vegetation, helping to provide ecology and biophilic elements for the staff and local community
- Water efficient landscaping with native low-water demand plantings and sub-surface drip-fed irrigation to minimise water consumption
The development has a focus on the health and wellbeing of the building and community, targeting a Platinum WELL Core Rating to ensure an excellent indoor environment for the occupants:
- Designed to maximise the amount of daylight available to occupants.
- Ultra-low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) carpets, paints and adhesives and a healthy material plan to optimise indoor air quality and limit exposure to toxic chemicals.
- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) products are from manufacturers that meet Green Star best practice responsible sourcing criteria, or are replaced with alternative materials.
- Biophilic elements include greenery on the balconies and roof area, helping to create a sense of light and life within the building.
- Communal garden spaces, including the ground floor courtyard and roof terrace, provide areas for occupants to relax and interact.
- A focus on thermal comfort through a high performing building envelope, along with operable windows linked to the mechanical ventilation system to enable mixed-mode ventilation.
- High quality views to the north, east and west available to the whole floor area and external shades reduce unwanted glare and effectively manage solar gains.
- Air and water quality monitoring and awareness.
- Health and wellness promotion to all tenants.
- The central location reduces the need for cars and the site is well connected to major public transport facilities – trams, buses and trains
- 36 bike parking spaces will be available for employees, plus eight visitor bike spaces and a bike repair station
- End of trip facilities including showers and lockers
- Provision for shared cars for use by office occupants, reducing vehicle fleets
- 5% of the parking will be electric vehicle charging spaces, plus parking for motorbikes and mopeds
- Facilities for occupants to recycle will be at least as convenient as general waste, including mixed recyclables and electronic waste
- Food and garden waste will be collected and separated for composting
The development has a focus on the health and wellbeing of the building and community, targeting a Platinum WELL Core Rating to ensure an excellent indoor environment for the occupants:
- Designed to maximise the amount of daylight available to occupantsUltra-low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) carpets, paints and adhesives and a healthy material plan to optimise indoor air quality and limit exposure to toxic chemicals
- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) products are from manufacturers that meet Green Star best practice responsible sourcing criteria, or are replaced with alternative materials
- Biophilic elements include greenery on the balconies and roof area, helping to create a sense of light and life within the building
- Communal garden spaces, including the ground floor courtyard and roof terrace, provide areas for occupants to relax and interact
- A focus on thermal comfort through a high performing building envelope, along with operable windows linked to the mechanical ventilation system to enable mixed-mode ventilation
- High quality views to the north, east and west available to the whole floor area and external shades reduce unwanted glare and effectively manage solar gains
- Air and water quality monitoring and awareness
- Health and wellness promotion to all tenants