All the information you need to register your home pool or spa. Apply for building permits, childproof safety barriers and the certificate of final inspection.
You must get a building permit for all pools, spas and safety barriers – whether they're in the ground, on a deck or on a structure.
More than 80% of swimming pool and spa safety barriers in Victoria don't meet the required standards.
On average, four children die in home swimming pools and spas in Victoria each year. Make sure you meet the safety rules to keep your loved ones safe.
What are the safety rules?
The Victorian Government requires all home owners in Victoria to register any swimming pools or spas that can hold more than 30 centimetres of water. This includes:
- indoor pools
- outdoor pools
- pools built around a deck
- pools built on a structure
You also need a Certificate of Final Inspection before you can fill your pool or spa with water.
View the full safety and registration rules online.
5 steps to a safe pool or spa
Step 1: Register your pool or spa
Before you begin, read our How to register a swimming pool or spa guide [ PDF, 535.2 KB] .
If you own more than one pool or spa, you must register each one separately.
Step 2: Get a registration letter
We will send you a letter to confirm your registration. The letter will state:
- the date of construction of your pool or spa
- the standard to which you must build your safety barrier
- when you must lodge your certificate of barrier compliance with us
Step 3: Organise an inspection
When you have built the safety barrier, a registered building inspector or building surveyor must approve it. We do not offer inspection services at Yarra City Council.
To find a registered building inspector or surveyor, visit one of the following websites:
Good to know:
- Get a few different quotes before you engage someone, as the costs for inspections are unregulated and can vary.
- Show your registration letter to the building surveyor or inspector on the day they visit. They will inspect the safety barrier to make sure it's compliant with the relevant standards.
Step 4: Lodge the certificate
If your safety barrier meets the safety standards, the building inspector or surveyor will give you a certificate of barrier compliance.
Please send us your certificate by the due date stated in your registration letter.
You can lodge the certificate online.
How to lodge swimming Pool or spa compliance certificate [ PDF, 571.38 KB] (PDF 536 KB)
Step 5: Renew the certificate
You need to get a new inspection every four years to ensure your pool or spa barrier is safe. The four-year period begins on the day you sent us your certificate – unless we tell you otherwise.
You can face a fine of up to $1,975.90 for failing to register your pool or spa and for failing to lodge your certification on time.
Registration fee
The current fee is $35.10 for each pool or spa you register.
The fee is set by the Victorian Government and outlined in Regulation 147P under Part 9A – Safety requirements for, registration of, and certification of barriers for, swimming pools and spas of the Building Regulations 2018.
Cost of inspection
The cost of a building inspector or surveyor varies depending on the service you use.
If the registered building inspector or surveyor finds that your safety barrier is not compliant, you will get one of following documents:
1. Certificate of barrier non-compliance
This means your pool barrier is not safe.
The building inspector or surveyor will send us a copy of the non-compliance certificate.
You will need to pay a $424.60 fee.
Lodge a certificate of barrier non-compliance
2. Written notice
This means the inspector gives you time to make your pool barrier safe.
The written notice will tell you:
- what to do to make the pool barrier safe
- how much time you get to fix the issue
- when they will return to check if your pool barrier is compliant
After you fixed the issues
If the inspector returns and finds that your pool barrier is now compliant, they will give you a certificate of barrier compliance.
We will let you know the due date for lodging your compliance certificate. You can face a fine of up to $1,975.90 if you fail to register your pool or spa and fail to lodge your certification on time.
Tell us immediately if you have removed a pool or spa from your property. Our building services team will arrange a visit. They need to verify that you no longer have a pool or spa.
More information
Visit the Victorian Building Authority website for more information on: