29A | Proposed demolition | $93.90 |
130 | Building over an easement | $320.23 |
73 | Setback from a street boundary not complying with reg 73 | $448.26 |
74 | Setback from a street boundary not complying with reg 74 | $448.26 |
75 | Building height not complying with reg 75 | $448.26 |
76 | Site coverage not complying with reg 76 | $448.26 |
77 | Impermeable surfaces covering more than 80% of an allotment area | $448.26 |
78 | Car parking spaces not complying with reg 78 | $448.26 |
79 | Side or rear boundary setback not complying with reg 79 | $448.26 |
80 | Walls or carports not complying with reg 80 | $448.26 |
81 | Building setbacks not complying with reg 81 (daylight) | $448.26 |
82 | Building setbacks not complying with reg 82 (solar access) | $448.26 |
83 | Building design not complying with reg 83 (overshadowing) | $448.26 |
84 | Window or raised open space not complying with reg 84 (overlooking) | $448.26 |
85 | Building design not complying with reg 85 (daylight) | $448.26 |
86 | Private open space not complying with reg 86 | $448.26 |
87 | Siting of appurtenant Class 10 buildings reg 87 | $448.26 |
89 | Front fence height not complying with reg 89 | $448.26 |
90 | Fence setback on side or rear boundary not complying with reg 90 | $448.26 |
91 | Length or height of side or rear boundary fence not complying reg 91 | $448.26 |
92 | A fence within 9m of an intersection reg 92 | $448.26 |
94 | Fence setback not complying with reg 94 (daylight) | $448.26 |
95 | Fence setback not complying with reg 95 (solar access) | $448.26 |
96 | Fence design not complying with reg 96 (overshadowing) | $448.26 |
97 | Mast, pole, aerial, antenna, chimney flue pipe or other service pipe | $448.26 |
109 | Projections beyond the street alignment | $448.26 |
134 | Building above or below certain public facilities | $320.23 |
116 | Protection of the Public | $324.95 |
133 | Legal Point of Discharge | $231.40 |
132 | Installation or alteration of a septic tank system, or construction of a building over an existing septic tank system | $320.23 |
153 | Construction of buildings on land liable to flooding | $320.23 |
154 | Building on designated land | $320.23 |