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Out of hours permits

Learn more about submitting an application for an out of hours permit.

We recognise there are circumstances where works on building sites may need to happen outside of normal permitted times.

Given the impact to surrounding residents and stakeholders, such works require a very strong and reasonable justification.

All applications are reviewed and require our approval.

Assessment of applications will consider residents, stakeholders and the circumstances of the request.

Permitted hours

Permitted working hours are regulated by General Local Law 2016.

They are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday – 7.00am to 6.00pm
  • Saturday – 9.00am to 3.00pm
  • Sunday, ANZAC Day, Christmas Day and Good Friday – no works permitted
  • All other public holidays – normal times apply unless stipulated in planning permit conditions.

Where a planning permit has been issued for the proposed works, the planning permit conditions will show the permitted working hours.

How to apply

  1. Read the permit user guide [ PDF, 1.09 MB]
  2. Complete the Out-of-Hours Permit application form [ PDF, 1.03 MB]
  3. Submit your application online

Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation with an application number. Please keep your application number handy, as this will be needed for any future correspondence.

Key things to know:

  • Applications must be lodged at least 10 business days prior to the scheduled works.
  • Notifications to local residents outlining intent to work must be sent seven days prior to the works.
  • Applications must clearly detail the works, provide justification and outline the effect on the safety and amenity of residents and the general public.
  • Permits can be revoked if the works are found to be disruptive or breach the permit conditions.
  • All residents and stakeholders within 100m must be notified of the out of hours works.
  • You will need to provide seven days written notification to surrounding residents.
  • You can download our Out of Hours Notification Template [ DOC, 85 KB] to assist with this.
  • Please also attach a map for the proposed delivery area of the notification for approvals.
  • Permits will not be activated if the letter has not been approved.
  • Construction Management Plan (CMP) can distribute a monthly notification letter, followed by a notification letter two days prior to works. Please refer to your Planning Permit or visit our Construction Management Plan page.

Permit fee: $223.34 per day

Inspection fee: $524.58 (min 1 per day)

Concrete pours

If there is an engineering requirement to ensure that structural integrity is not compromised and to avoid cold joints, which weakens the concrete, caused by an interruption or delay in the concreting process.

Tower crane installations and dismantle

For safety reasons, to minimise traffic disruption due to the size of the operation, road closures and restricted travel times for heavy vehicles transporting materials on VicRoads Road.

Restricted delivery times and access

When there is restricted travel times for heavy vehicles transporting materials on VicRoads Road or restrictions placed by other authorities or impacts emergency services such as hospitals.

Business park or shopping precinct

For safety reasons and to minimise disruption to daily tenants. This is generally within areas not surrounded by residential tenants. Examples include

  • removal or installation of an ATM
  • building works on an office within a business park
  • changeover of business signs where it’s deemed unsafe or disruptive to passing pedestrians and traffic.

Requirement of another Authority

You must provide all written correspondence from the authority (Department of Transport, Yarra Trams, Public Transport Victoria) specifying the scope of works, date of works and duration of works.