What are your priorities for the 2023/24 Budget?

Monday 14 November 2022

a mother's group having fun with their children at a Yarra childcare facility

We want to hear what your priorities are for the next financial year before we start preparing our draft Budget 2023/24.

Every year we develop an annual Budget that aligns to the Council Plan and works to benefit Yarra's people, places and services.

The Budget includes funding for the environment, waste and recycling collections, roads, parks and infrastructure upgrades, the running of our libraries and leisure centres, support for local businesses and services that support our youngest residents, our oldest and those who may be vulnerable.

Understanding your priorities will help us develop a responsible Budget which focuses heavily on maintaining financial sustainability, while continuing to deliver the services and infrastructure important to the community.

What is Yarra Council's current financial situation?

Like all Councils across Victoria, Yarra is facing significant financial challenges.

We experienced significant losses of more than $50 million as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the decision to provide additional financial support to our community throughout this challenging time.

Rising inflation also presents a risk to Council’s Budget outcomes given the global and local impacts of events over the past three years and uncertainties with the future economic outlook.

In addition to this, we have had to manage the financial challenges associated with:

  • a growing population
  • ageing infrastructure
  • rate capping
  • cost-shifting
  • the need to repay debt and build cash reserves in the short to medium term.

In order to continue to deliver what our community wants and expects, as well as continuing to deliver on our vision, we need to make some strategic decisions.

This strategic focus on our financial position was also a key element of the Municipal Monitor’s report and recommendations.

In line with the Municipal Monitors report, we’re committed to ongoing reviews of our operations to drive continuous business improvements and manage costs.

Our upcoming Budget will focus on addressing our current and future priorities, whilst also being realistic about our financial position.

This way we can continue to provide our highly valued services and programs to our community both now and into the future.

Have your say

What are your priorities for the next financial year that will help us deliver on the objectives of our 2021-25 Council Plan and shape our next Budget? Where should we focus our available budget?

Visit yoursayyarra.com.au/budget2324 to have your say or come and talk to us in person at:

  • Victoria Park, Abbotsford – Thursday 17 November, 5pm to 7pm
  • Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library – Monday 21 November, 10am to midday
  • Gleadell Street Market, Richmond - Saturday 3 December, 9am to 11am

We’ll have in-language support for Chinese and Vietnamese residents at our Gleadell Street pop up. If you need an interpreter or any additional support to participate in our pop-up information sessions, please contact us at 03 9205 5555.

You have until 9am on Monday 12 December to share your priorities.

After this stage of the consultation, we’ll consider your input as we prepare the draft Budget and come back to you for your feedback before it is adopted next year.


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