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Yarra Home Energy Upgrades

Subsidies for concession card holders to install solar, electrify and improve thermal comfort.

The Yarra Home Energy Upgrades pilot program offers eligible residents subsidies of up to $3,000 for home improvements to make your home more comfortable in hot and cold weather, install solar, or electrify your home. 

This program is designed to help you:  

  • make your home or apartment more comfortable and energy efficient  
  • bring down your energy bills
  • reduce your climate emissions

Expressions of interest are now on hold. You can still register your interest in joining the waitlist.

The Climate Safe Rooms pilot program is also providing $10,000 for energy upgrades to upgrade one room in eligible homes.

Funding can be used to install:

  • solar
  • reverse cycle heating and cooling
  • insulation for your ceiling, walls or under your floor
  • draught proofing to seal gaps and cracks
  • heat pump hot water systems  

Eligible households can use the subsidy to choose more than one energy upgrade, up to a maximum of $3,000.

You will receive a home energy assessment to recommend the best upgrades for your home. 

In some cases, 100% of the cost can be covered by the subsidy and other available rebates. Our project partner and the program suppliers will help you apply for Victorian Government rebates you may be eligible for. Find out more about rebates below.

Our program suppliers will give you no-obligation quotes for the upgrades recommended for your home. This will clearly show which upgrades you could choose at no cost to you. If there is a cost to you, this will be clearly shown. Then you can choose to go ahead if you wish.  

In some cases, there will be additional installation costs. For example, for larger systems, more difficult access, or if the electrical switchboard or wiring needs to be upgraded. These will be shown on your quotes.

The Victorian Government also offers no-interest loans of up to $1,400 for solar. Find out more about no-interest loans

Concession card and healthcare card holders living in the City of Yarra. 

This includes renters, homeowners and community housing residents. Rental providers (landlords) can also apply on behalf of an eligible tenant. Public housing owned by the Victorian Government is not eligible. 

You or someone living in your home must hold one of the following eligible Commonwealth concession cards: 

  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card  
  • Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card  
  • Centrelink Health Care Card  
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card for All Conditions  
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card War Widow/er or TPI  
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card POW & EDA

Expressions of interest are now on hold. You can still register your interest in joining the waitlist.

Eligible concession cards


Expression of interest

Expressions of interest are now on hold. You can still register your interest in joining the waitlist.

You can still join the waitlist

You can also download a printable form [ PDF, 308.23 KB] , call Yarra Council on 03 9205 5555, or visit a customer service centre. 

For interpreter services, call 03 9280 1940.

Landlords or community housing providers can also express interest on behalf of an eligible tenant. 

Phone call

In January, our project partner will call you to find out about your home and book a home visit.

Home visit

A Home Energy Assessor will visit your home for an energy assessment to recommend the best upgrades for you. You do not need landlord permission for the home energy assessment. 

Recommendations and quotes

The home energy assessment includes recommendations and quotes. Our project partner can answer any questions and discuss options. Your quote will clearly show which options are at no cost to you, and which require a payment contribution.

Choose upgrades

Choose upgrades you'll use your subsidy for and sign an upgrade agreement with the supplier. Landlords also sign for rental properties.

Upgrades installed

We'll arrange for licensed tradespeople to install your upgrades at a time that works for you. If you have multiple upgrades, we'll aim to coordinate on the same day to minimise disruption to you. 

We'll aim to arrange installation soon after your upgrade agreements are signed. All Yarra Home Energy Upgrades will be installed before 30 June 2025.

The installer will show you how to use your new energy upgrades.

If you've selected upgrades requiring a co-payment from you, you'll pay this to the supplier. 

Follow up

Our project partner will call you in the next few days to make sure everything went smoothly and answer any questions. 

We'll ask you to complete a survey to help us learn from this pilot program. 

Renters, community housing residents and people living in apartments are eligible to apply, with an eligible concession card.  

Victorian Government-owned public housing is not eligible for this program.

Renters and community housing residents will need approval from their landlord or community housing organisation for upgrades to be installed. We will provide a template letter for you to send to your landlord. 

Either the tenant or the rental provider (landlord) can begin the application. Evidence of the tenant’s concession card will be required to receive the subsidy. 

For apartment buildings and townhouses, only energy upgrades that do not require owners’ corporation approval can be installed. Some products cannot be installed in some building types. 

You will receive a home energy assessment to determine which types of energy upgrades can be installed at your home. 

You do not need permission from your landlord to receive the home energy assessment. 

Yarra residents living in a heritage overlay are eligible to apply, with an eligible concession card.

If your home is in the heritage overlay, most Yarra Home Energy Upgrades can be installed in the same way as in another home.

Some upgrades, such as solar, may require a planning permit if visible from the street or a public park. 

Our project team can help with questions about the planning permit application process. 

There is no fee for a planning permit for solar in the heritage overlay. If your solar will not be visible from the street or a public park, you do not need a planning permit. 

A small number of properties have additional heritage controls. In this rare case, our project team can advise you of your options. 

Find out more about solar in a heritage overlay

In addition to the Yarra Home Energy Upgrades subsidy of up to $3,000, our project partner will let you know what other Federal or Victorian Government rebates you may be eligible for. They can help you apply. Some rebates are included as a discount on your energy upgrade. 

Solar rebates

The Victorian Government offers rebates of up to $1,400 through Solar Victoria to eligible households, including for rental properties. No-interest loans of up to $1,400 are also available. 

You'll automatically receive STCs (small scale technology certificates, a Federal Government rebate) as a discount shown on your quote.


Heat pump hot water system rebates

Eligible households can receive a Solar Victoria of up to $1,000. All households receive a discount of between $490 and $840 from the Victorian Energy Upgrades program using accredited installers through the Yarra Home Energy Upgrades program.  


Reverse cycle heating and cooling rebates 

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program provides a discount of between $70 and $280 to install a reverse cycle air conditioner using accredited installers through the Yarra Home Energy Upgrades program, if you're not replacing another heater. 

If you're replacing a gas heater, you'll receive a larger discount of between $560 and $1,400.

If you're replacing an old reverse cycle air conditioner, you'll receive a discount of between $210 and $490.


Draught proofing rebates

Victorian Energy Upgrades rebates are available for draught proofing to seal up gaps and cracks, using our accredited installers. You'll see this as a discount on your quote.

Rebate amounts depend on what is installed. Indicative rebates are between $350 and $700 for a house, between $280 and $560 for a townhouse, and $70 and $140 for an apartment.

Yarra Council has committed to urgent action on climate change through its second Climate Emergency Plan [ PDF, 9.51 MB] , 2024-2030, and its Climate Emergency Action Plan 2024-2027 [ PDF, 2.72 MB] .

This pilot program is part of our commitment to support households facing barriers to make their homes more comfortable in hot and cold weather, improve energy efficiency, electrify, and power their homes with renewable energy. 

This includes a commitment to support people living on low incomes, renters, and apartment residents to ensure no one is left behind in the transition to a zero emissions city powered by 100% renewable energy. 

If you are receiving support services for a health condition that puts you at risk from extreme heat or cold, you may be eligible to receive free energy upgrades worth up to $10,000 to upgrade a room in your home so it stays a comfortable temperature on hot and cold days. 

Find out more about the Yarra Climate Safe Rooms pilot program. 

Eligible residents can participate in either the Yarra Home Energy Upgrades program or the Climate Safe Rooms program. 

Yes. In your expression of interest form, we will ask if you need interpreter support.

We can arrange a phone interpreter or in-person interpreter to support you throughout the program, for most common languages spoken in Yarra. 

For interpreter support, call 03 9280 1940.

Yes, you can download a printable expression of interest form [ PDF, 308.23 KB] .

You can also call us on 03 9205 5555 to request a paper form, or visit a customer service centre at Richmond Town Hall or Collingwood Town Hall. 

You can return your paper form to: 

By email: 

By mail:
Attn: Sustainability team
Yarra City Council
PO Box 168 
Richmond, VIC 3121

In person: 
Richmond Town Hall, 333 Bridge Road, Richmond
Collingwood Town Hall, 140 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford

Download a flyer with information about the Yarra Home Energy Upgrades pilot program in other languages: 

For interpreter support, call 03 9280 1940.