Yarra City Council is expanding the 30km speed limit area in Fitzroy and Collingwood, following approval of a new trial, to improve road safety in the municipality.
Yarra City Council is expanding the 30km speed limit area in Fitzroy and Collingwood, following approval of a new trial, to improve road safety in the municipality.
Supported by the Department of Transport and Planning and the Transport Accident Commission, the new 30km trial area will commence on 9 May, 2024 and expand the existing 30km area to cover all remaining streets within Fitzroy and Collingwood excluding major roads - Johnston Street, Nicholson Street, Hoddle St, Alexandra Parade and Victoria Parade.
Throughout the trial, Council will undertake community engagement to inform and educate affected residents, businesses and visitors on the changes to speed limit and the safety benefits, gather feedback on the impacts, and understand the experiences of a variety of people travelling in Fitzroy and Collingwood including people who walk, drive or ride bikes and motorbikes.
Yarra City Council Mayor, Edward Crossland said, “Yarra City Council is proud to be championing safer streets for our community with a 30km speed limit. There is a clear body of evidence from across the globe, that slower travel speeds save lives.”
“We want to make our streets safer and better places for people of all ages and abilities whether you are walking, wheeling, cycling or driving. 30km can have a huge benefit and we know there is a lot of support for this initiative across our community.”
“Research shows that a person walking is at least twice as likely to be killed by a driver travelling at 40km than at 30km and that safer speed limits in urban areas has minimal impact on travel time.”
“This is just one initiative of many in Yarra to improve road safety including New Deals for Walking, Cycling and Schools.”
A range of health and advocacy organisations have voiced their support for a 30km speed limit including Victoria Walks, Pedestrian Council of Australia, Bicycle Network, the Heart Foundation, the Amy Gillett Foundation and 20’s Plenty.
Ben Rossiter, Executive Officer of Victoria Walks said, “30km neighbourhoods are calmer and more social because people of all ages feel safer to walk. There are fewer crashes and near misses. They are happy, liveable neighbourhoods and we expect more communities will want 30km streets when the trial is finished.”
Chris Enright, General Manager at the Heart Foundation said, “Slowing speeds to 30km makes it safer for people to be more active in their neighbourhoods. At least 30 minutes of physical activity a day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 35 per cent.”
Alison McCormack, CEO of Bicycle Network said, “When traffic speeds are 30 km or less, not only does the crash rate come down for all road users, but the streets feel different -- less frantic and threatening, and more friendly and welcoming, especially for people on bikes. Everybody wins.”
Harold Scruby, Chairman/CEO of the Pedestrian Council of Australia said, “The Pedestrian Council of Australia has been campaigning for 30 km zones for over a decade. The safety, community and commercial benefits are irrefutable. These zones are throughout Europe and the UK and NZ. We congratulate Yarra City on this vitally important initiative.”
Mim Lowe, local Collingwood resident said, “My boys ride their bikes to university, my husband rides to work as do I, so it’s definitely nice to know that slower speeds in the area will make it a bit safer.”
“I think this trial brings about a positive vision for our community to live in, improving safety but also liveability of the area and in turn strengthening an existing vibrant sense of community. It’s a great thing - for everyone.”
You can provide feedback on the 30km speed limit trial here.
In October 2018, for a period of 12 months, Council held a year-long trial of a 30km speed limit in the neighbourhood streets of the northern parts of Fitzroy and Collingwood, bounded by Alexandra Parade, Johnston Street, Hoddle Street and Nicholson Street (excluding Brunswick Street and Smith Street).
An independent evaluation found that speeding – and especially excessive speeding – reduced in the area during the trial period. The evaluation also found that by the end of the trial, residents’ support for the 30km limit had increased and levels of non-support had decreased.
Council resolved to retain the 30km speed limit in this area following the trial at its meeting on 19 December 2019.
The speed limit in this area remains a trial speed limit because the Victorian Government’s Speed Zoning Policy does not allow for 30km speed limits outside of the scope of a trial. The evaluation of these trials and other similar trials contributes to the body of evidence that informs future changes to this policy.
To inform the design of the 2024 trial to expand the 30km area, a robust pre-trial study was undertaken. The study reviewed current traffic and road safety conditions as well as community attitudes and found that 59% of residents in the area supported 30km speed limits in their street.
Council is committed to creating a safe environment for all residents to travel, whether they choose to walk, cycle or drive. Yarra’s Council Plan 2021-25 commits to exploring further 30km speed limits and the Yarra Transport Strategy 2022-32 also supports 30km speed limits.