Resolutions and other motions from Council Meeting on Tuesday 12 December 2023
At Tuesday night's Council Meeting, Council adopted the Financial Sustainability Strategy, awarded contracts for Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) collection services, and more.
14 Dec 2023
At Tuesday night’s Council Meeting, Council:
- adopted the Financial Sustainability Strategy and endorsed the creation of a Risk Mitigation Reserve and Strategic Growth Reserve.
- endorsed the draft Amendment C273yara for the Heidelberg Road area, and its referral to the Minister for Planning with a request to refer the draft Amendment to the Yarra Activity Centres Standing Advisory Committee.
- endorsed the final concept plan for Charlotte Street pocket park.
- awarded Contract C1657 to Four Seasons Waste Pty Ltd for Food Organic and Garden Organics (FOGO) collection services for an initial term of seven years starting 1 July 2024.
- awarded three five-year, waste-related contracts, effective 1 April 2024:
- C1670 for Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) processing services to RepurposeIT
- C1671 for recycling (excluding glass) processing services to APR Pty Ltd
- C1672 for glass processing services to Visy Pty Ltd - resolved to urgently seek meetings with the Premier of Victoria and key ministers to express disappointment and discuss the refusal of the Open Space Amendment's interim rates by the Minister for Planning, seeking a detailed explanation for the decision.
Notices of Motion:
- Council expressed its strong opposition to the Victorian Government's plans to demolish 44 public housing towers, including 12 in Yarra, advocating against privatisation of public housing sites, and urged the government to explore other options.
- Council requests the presentation of a report at the February 2024 Council Meeting to consider the establishment of a Families and Children Advisory Committee; and a report that outlines playground equipment options for the expanded Cambridge Street Reserve, Collingwood.
- Council mourns and condemns the tragic and horrific loss of children and civilian lives in the current Israel Gaza conflict and all attacks that target civilians; and expresses solidarity with all hostages kidnapped and their families, both from the Israeli and Palestinian side.
Council requests the Australian Government calls for a permanent ceasefire among all parties in the Israel Gaza conflict and calls for the unconditional release of all hostages in Gaza as well as a permanent, internationally supervised ceasefire.
Council urges all parties to allow more relief aid to reach the people of Gaza. Council acknowledges the hurt and division this conflict is causing in our country and urges all Australians to treat each other with respect, compassion and dignity.
Other agenda items and more details about the above items can be viewed in the Council Meeting minutes, available online from Friday 15 December.