In late 2023, we asked the community to tell us about their favourite play spaces, how they like to use play spaces and for their suggestions about where improvements can be made.
We heard what you told us, and your priorities, ideas and suggestions are reflected in the draft Play Space Strategy. We also received lots of insightful ideas from children, young people. Using your feedback, we've developed a draft Play Space Strategy.
Yarra's first Play Space Strategy will guide our decision making and priorities around play spaces for the next 10 years. Our goal is to provide quality play spaces within walking distances of where people live, work and play.
The Play Space Strategy aims to deliver different types of play spaces across the network that complement each other, reflect local character, and provide access to a variety of play types and experiences. This Strategy will make sure that play spaces across the network can accommodate all ages, abilities and changing needs.
The draft Play Space Strategy contains 5 principles, each with a set of goals, that guide our vision for how we will plan for and deliver play spaces in Yarra:
- Respond to changing needs in our community.
- Promote a diversity of experience across the city.
- Support accessibility, inclusion & participation.
- Promote healthy living, through activity & social connection.
- Be well designed & sustainable.
Have your say
Have your say and let us know if we’ve got the goals and priorities right by visiting Your Say Yarra and completing the survey before 9am on Monday 12 August 2024.
You can chat to the team at one of our in-person information sessions on:
- Saturday 20 July from 10am to 12midday at the Gleadell Street Market in Richmond
- Thursday 25 July from 10:30am to 12:30midday at Carlton Library
- Sunday 28 July from 9am to 11am at Alphington Park Oval.