Voting in Yarra City Council local government elections.
Australia has three levels of government that work together to help provide the services we need – the federal government, state and territory governments, and local councils.
Local councils are responsible for issues that affect local communities. They make decisions that impact you every day – including land use and planning, public health services, childcare, rubbish collection, parking, animal control, libraries, community centres, parks, gardens and more.
A local council election is your opportunity to decide who best represents you and the local issues you care about.
The 2024 local council elections will take place on Saturday 26 October 2024.
New ward boundaries [ PDF, 524.05 KB] will be in place for this election. There are nine wards containing approximately the same number of voters. There will be one representative (known as a Councillor) elected for each ward.
Things to know:
- Voting is compulsory if you are over 18 and an Australian citizen.
- The election will be held by postal vote.
- Voters will receive a ballot pack in early October to your enrolled address.
- Your vote needs to be returned prior to election day (26 October).
- The election will be conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission.
- If you are enrolled to vote in Victorian state elections, you are automatically enrolled to vote in Council elections.
Details of the ward boundaries can be found in the Victoria Government Gazette [ PDF, 524.05 KB] . The new wards names are:
- Boulevard Ward
- Curtain Ward
- Hoddle Ward
- Langridge Ward
- Lennox Ward
- MacKillop Ward
- Melba Ward
- Nicholls Ward
- Yarra Bend Ward
If you are enrolled to vote in state elections, you are automatically enrolled to vote in council elections and will receive a ballot pack at your enrolled address.
Council-enrolled voters include ratepayers who are property owners, occupiers or corporations.
Enrolment in this category is not automatic, you need to apply to become a council-enrolled voter or you won't receive a ballot pack.
There are three types of Council enrolled voter:
Owner Ratepayers
A maximum of two owners can apply to enrol for any one property. You can apply to enrol as an owner ratepayer if you:
- own property and pay rates in the City of Yarra
- are 18 or over
- are not a state-enrolled voter who lives in the City of Yarra
To enrol in this category, download the enrolment form for an owner ratepayer [ PDF, 165.33 KB]
Occupier Ratepayers
A maximum of two occupiers can apply to enrol for any one property. You can apply to enrol as an occupier ratepayer if you:
- pay rates for a property in the City of Yarra that you occupy but do not own
- are 18 or over
- are not a state-enrolled voter who lives in the City of Yarra
To enrol in this category, download the enrolment form for an occupier ratepayer [ PDF, 208.84 KB]
A corporation can only appoint one person to represent it at an election, regardless of how many properties the corporation owns or occupies in the council area. You can apply to enrol to vote on behalf of a corporation if you:
- are a director or company secretary of a corporation that pays rates (either as an owner or an occupier) in the City of Yarra
- have consented to being appointed as the corporation’s representative
- are not already a state-enrolled voter or council-enrolled voter for the City of Yarra
To enrol in this category, download the enrolment form for a corporation owner or occupier [ PDF, 234.63 KB] .
Silent Voting
If you believe that having your address shown on a voters’ roll places or would place the personal safety of you or members of your family at risk, you can apply to the Council to be a silent voter. This is only necessary if you have enrolled to vote as a Council enrolled voter - persons automatically enrolled as a silent voter on the Victorian electoral roll will not appear on the electoral for Council elections either.
To apply to be a silent voter, download the silent voter request form [ PDF, 96.68 KB]
Visit the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) for more information.
Results of previous elections and count backs are available on the Victorian Electoral Commission website.