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Standing Advisory Committee

Learn more about the role of the Committee, and more.

We are currently progressing a series of proposed changes to the planning scheme to introduce built form and design requirements in areas that are experiencing greater pressure from development.

The Victorian Minister for Planning appointed the Yarra Activity Centre Standing Advisory Committee (the Committee) in 2021 to help implement these changes more efficiently.

Role of the Committee

The Committee was appointed by the Minister for Planning on 9 August 2021 to provide timely advice to the Minister and Yarra City Council on referred planning matters and associated draft Yarra Planning Scheme provisions for Yarra's strip shopping centres (activity centres) and other areas of urban change.

The objective of the Committee is to provide consistent advice in a transparent, simpler, more timely and cost-efficient process on any proposed new planning provisions referred to it by the Minister.

The Committee is administered by Planning Panels Victoria. More information about the Committee can be viewed on Planning Panels Victoria's website.

Council has prepared an Information Sheet [ PDF, 295.23 KB] that explains more about why the Committee was set up and what the process includes.


Council has resolved to progress a series of draft amendments through this process. The draft amendments that are to be considered by the Standing Advisory Committee are listed on our amendments page as Draft Amendments.

There are six steps in the process to consider the draft amendments.

Step 1

Request consent to prepare and notify a draft amendment

Council seeks consent to prepare and give notice of a draft planning scheme amendment.

Minister consent for Council to notify and exhibit the draft amendment.

Step 2

Notice and Exhibition

Council notifies parties that may be affected by the amendment.

Community and stakeholders able to make a written submission.

Step 3

Referal to the Standing Advisory Committee

Council reviews and presents a response to submissions at a Council Meeting

Community and stakeholders are able to attend a Council Meeting and are able to present their views to Council.

Council requests the Minister to refer the draft amendment and submissions to the Yarra Activity Centres Standing Advisory Committee.

The Minister refers the draft amendment to the Yarra Activity Centres Standing Advisory Committee.

Step 4

Standing Advisory Committee Hearing

Advisory Committee reviews the proposed amendment and submissions as part of an independent hearing.

Council makes a submission at the hearing.

Submitters can present their submissions at a hearing if they choose to.

Step 5

Standing Advisory Committee Report

Advisory Committee prepares a report and provides recommendations

Council receives and reviews the report and provides commentary on the recommendations.

Community and stakeholders are able to attend a council meeting and are able to present their views to Council.

Council refers its commentary to the Minister, who will make a final decision.

Step 6

Decision by Minister for Planning

The Minister considers the advisory committee report and commentary from Council before making a decision.

The Minister can either reject or approve the amendment with/without changes.

If the Minister approves the amendment, a notice of approval is placed in the Victorian Government Gazette. The changes then become part of the Yarra Planning Scheme.

Terms of reference

The Minister for Planning issued the Yarra Activity Centre Standing Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference [ PDF, 203.97 KB] (PDF 203kB).

This document sets out how the Standing Advisory Committee will work.

More information

Visit the Victorian government's website for more information on the Yarra Activity Centre Standing Advisory Committee.