We have libraries in Abbotsford, Carlton North, Fitzroy, North Fitzroy and Richmond with a wide range of collections, programs and services for your needs.
Conditions of entry
These conditions of entry apply to all Yarra Libraries premises, including the immediate vicinity of each library building. They define what we consider as acceptable conduct to help us ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
All visitors to the library or immediate surrounds must:
- conduct themselves courteously and respectfully to staff and other visitors
- wear reasonable attire including footwear and a shirt
- present any container or bag for inspection upon request
- follow all reasonable requests to modify disruptive or unsafe behaviour
- leave the library if instructed
- only enter during opening hours unless otherwise authorised
Visitors must not:
- cause discomfort, inconvenience, harm or pose a risk to staff or other visitors
- use abusive or discriminatory language
- consume alcohol, illicit drugs or misuse substances
- eat or drink near computers, photocopiers, and other library equipment
- smoke or vape inside the library or within 4 metres of any entrance
- deface, damage or interfere with library property (or items in the care of the library)
- conduct any form of gambling
- leave personal belongings unattended
- broadcast offensive material (as defined by the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995) on the library’s public computers, equipment or personal devices
- take photographs or videos without permission
- bring a dog or animal inside the library (including the foyer or within 2 metres of a library entrance) except for registered assistance or companion animals
- leave children under the age of 12 unattended for any length of time
- distribute or display handbills, advertisements, petitions or other commercial notices without permission
Any library visitor who observes or has knowledge that a child or young person is, or is at risk of, being abused or harmed at a library service, program, event or facility must report it to a staff member immediately. Where the child or young person is in immediate danger, they must call Victoria Police on Triple Zero (000) without delay.
Failure to comply with any reasonable direction by a staff member to rectify a breach of these conditions may result in:
- a suspension of library membership
- a ban on accessing library spaces and services
- and/or referral to the police