Update on Rushall Reserve shared path

Thursday 26 April 2018

At its meeting on 24 April 2018, Council reaffirmed its commitment to build a shared path in Rushall Reserve, North Fitzroy.

Council first decided to proceed with the shared path in May 2016, following in-depth community consultation. Since then senior officers have been working on the planning and logistics for the project, including discussions with Metro Trains, who are responsible for the nearby train infrastructure. Some adjustments will be required to the train infrastructure (i.e. signal boxes) due to the narrow neck of land between the train line reservation and the escarpment to the Merri Creek where the path would need to traverse. 

Due to the recent cost estimates of relocating Metro Trains’ infrastructure, the Council will now be seeking support from the State Government to progress the project.

You can read the full council resolution from 24 April 2018 below:

1. That Council:

(a) notes the updated officer report on the proposed Shared Path at Rushall Reserve;

  (b) notes the current cost escalation to an estimated minimum of $906,245 due to costs associated with relocating Metro Trains Melbourne infrastructure; constituting a shortfall from the budgeted amount;

(c) reaffirms its commitment to complete this long planned and vital shared path, connecting the Merri Creek Trail to the Capital City Trail and improving access to RushallReserve for local residents and recreational visitors in a growing city;

(d) authorise officers to proceed with a planning permit application to construct a path at this location;

(e) seeks advice from officers as to how to achieve this project given the revised costings, whether a staged approach, other external sources of funding, or any other meanscan be explored, and that this be presented to Council;

  (f) requests a report on the progress towards Rushall Reserve amenity improvements endorsed by Council on 2 August 2016 regarding fencing along the embankment,additional seating, drinking fountain/bowl, improved signage and tree planting;

(g) authorises the Mayor and CEO to urgently seek a meeting with the Victorian Minister for Public Transport, 

(i) requesting the Minister’s commitment for the State to cover the costs of the rail infrastructure changes to ensure that the project can continue as per the current design and associated costings and budgetary allocations made by Yarra; and
(ii) objecting to the quantum of the costs being sought by Metro Trains Melbourne;

(h) authorises the Mayor and CEO to urgently seek meetings with the Mayor and CEO of Darebin and the relevant State Members of Parliament  (Brunswick, Northcote and Richmond) to seek support; and

(i) requests a briefing from the Mayor and CEO following receipt of advice from the Minister for Public Transport.


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