Photos of your parking infringement

To help you choose what action to take to resolve your infringement, you can view the photos we have taken of your vehicle. You will need to provide the infringement number and vehicle registration number to view the photos. 

Why do you take photos of my car?

As an enforcement agency, we may collect photographs of vehicles that have received a parking infringement for breaching the Road Safety Road Rules 2017. This is to document the offence and assist with any subsequent review or prosecution of an infringement. 

The images are stored in a secure system only accessible to staff who require access to process internal reviews/appeals and assist with customer enquiries. We have made our photos of infringements available online to help you determine what action to take to resolve your infringement. Find out how to appeal your parking infringement

If you are having difficulty viewing photos of your parking infringement, please read below.

Why is my search showing no results found?

If you received the fine today or yesterday, the officer’s photos may not have been loaded into the system yet. This can take up to 3 days. We recommend you search for photos at least 3 days after the date the infringement was issued.

Images are available online for infringements issued on or after September 5, 2016.  If you want to request photos for an infringement prior to this date please email [email protected] with the infringement number, vehicle registration and proof that you are the registered owner stating that you want to see any applicable images.

Double-check that you are correctly entering your infringement and vehicle registration number exactly as shown on the fine.

Why can’t I see any photos?

Photos are not always taken by parking officers when issuing fines. If the infringement details (such as time, date, location) are showing without any photos, it is most likely that the officer has not taken any photos on this occasion.

Are you allowed to publish photos online of my vehicle?

Viewing of the photos is restricted and requires both the infringement and vehicle registration number to be correctly entered in order to view the photos. The photographs themselves have captured details that are available to the general public walking past your car in the street, such as the parking sign and your vehicle registration number. Other enforcement agencies around Australia also make their infringement-related photographs available online.

Why is the issue time different to the offence time?

The offence time is when the parking offence was deemed to have occurred. The issue time is when the officer finished inputting all of the relevant information into their hand-held device and issued the fine to the vehicle. If there is a parking sensor in the bay, it will accurately record the offence time after the time limit shown on the sign has ended.

The colour, make or model is wrong on the infringement what do I do?

You don’t need to do anything. These are not details that need to be legally captured by parking officers, any slight discrepancies (such as ‘maroon’ instead of ‘red’) will not impact the fine.

What if the vehicle in the photo is not mine?

If you believe there has been a case of mistaken identity, you’ll need to request an internal review and our team will look into it for you.